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Re: [ORE] Think I may have gone too far. (sorry about the size of the post)

While I love these suggestions, especially the first one, you don't want to turn the game into mutual antagonism and destroy the players' fun.  Instead, you want to end their antagonism to your fun as GM.

These kind of things can be part of that, but the best mechanism is getting the players to realize that their strategy is hurting them.  Then they'll want to stop doing it of their own accord, and you can go back to spending NPC will points on fun powers instead of just surviving long enough to drop some plot before they die.


"The desert seems vast, even endless.  And yet, scientists tell us that somewhere, even now, there is snow."

- Intro to Welcome to Nightvale: http://commonplacebooks.com/

On Sep 13, 2015 22:39, "Marco Subias" <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
How about a Useful power that is very fast, which allows the user to switch places with another character? Murder hobo one fires his death miracle on the target, who switches places with murder hobo B. Attack hits B instead of the intended target.

Useful power that allows an NPC to turn intangible and possess others. Including PCs.  

I'd probably find other players, but that's just me.


On Sun, Sep 13, 2015 at 8:13 PM, Kevin L. Nault <prof.morbius@gmail.com> wrote:
Have you considered punishing them for being murder hobos?  Make them slog through mud because they didn't ask the right question when they had the chance, make something they really want unavailable because someone they killed is key to getting it, have people the PC care about (if they're not all total psychopaths) hurt because of information they never got, etc.

I mean, as a short-term solution, what you're looking at might work, but I also wouldn't sweat the cost too much, since you're just working around them trying to murder the bejesus out of the plot.

Religion, or the duty which we owe our Creator, and the manner of discharging it, can be directed only by reason and conviction, not by force and violence; and therefore all men are equally entitled to the free exercise of religion, according to the dictates of conscience.
  -- James Madison

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 11:56 AM, Zombie Haiku <skullisfeisty@gmail.com> wrote:
Hi all,

Am about 6 months into my progenitor game and my players are just meeting one of my major players, but as they have the habit of killing folk before I get to have any fun the NPC will be using his Cosmic Power to create a double for them to interact with. Have pointed it all out but am worried that I am way off base. Advice please.

Many thanks,


D.E. Versatility (6/12/24) 9d + 6HD + 3WD (198)

Qualities: A D U.

Attacks Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Defends Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Useful Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Body Double Powers Set

Teleport to Double 3d + 1WD (No willpower cost cost)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Range (+3), Subtle (+1); If/Then: Can only teleport to location of double (-2), Usual Power Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Range

Puppet Double 2HD (2 Willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Range (+3), Endless (+3); Usual Flaws (-3); If/Then: Only works on Double (-2)

Capacities: Range

Create Double 3d + 1WD (No willpower cost)

Capacities: A+2, D+3, U

Attacks Extras & Flaws: Attached to Useful (-2)

Capacities: Mass

Defends Extras & Flaws: Hardened Armour (+2); Armoured Defence (-2), Attached: to Useful (-2), If/Then: Only for Double (-1)

Capacities: Self

Useful Extras & Flaws: Endless (+3); Delayed Effect (-2), Usual Power Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Range

Flight 2HD (No willpower cost)

Capacities: D+3, U

Defends Extras & Flaws: Go First (+2); Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Speed (+4), No Physics (+1); Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Speed

Regeneration 3d + 1WD (No willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Duration (+2), Engulf (+2); Self Only (-3), Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Obvious (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

Extra Tough 2HD (No willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Endless (+3), Engulf (+2); Self Only (-3), Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

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