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[Seattle Go Center] Online instruction

A note from Oren:


Inseong Hwang is looking for another couple members for his American Yunguseng Dojang at


Many members of the Seattle Go Center have been playing in his league over the past few years and received instruction.


You can see many examples of his teaching for free on Youtube  at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEpsC_-9indqRsOjYuFStBQ


He came and lectured at both Go Congress and the Seattle Go Center in 2015.  Both times, people enjoyed his teaching style and lectures.


Generally it's good to start when seasons begin but he has two openings in February he would like to get filled, ideally by KGS 1k and weaker.  If you're interested please let him know quickly.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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