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[Seattle Go Center] Seattle AGA Chapter Meeting, Tuesday June 5 - 7 PM

Dear Members of the Seattle AGA Chapter:


There will be a short meeting of the Seattle AGA Chapter (American Go Association)  to elect a new representative to the national organization.  Your current representative, Peter Nelson, will be moving from Seattle soon.  We have a new candidate for the position, Nick Wilmes.   Nick will be going to the U.S. Go Congress in Williamsburg, VA, so he can attend the Chapter Meeting at the Congress.  But of course other candidates for the position are welcome as well.  The meeting will be at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, June 5, at the Seattle Go Center.


If you are wondering what the Seattle AGA Chapter does, we have a web page for that:









Brian Allen

Operations Manager

Seattle Go Center

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (home office)


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[Seattle Go Center] Ratings Tournament Sun., June 3rd

Hello Go Players!

The Monthly Ratings Tournament will be this Sunday, June 3, at the Seattle Go Center.
Three rounds of tournament intensity -- be there or be [somewhere else] !
Registration: 10:00 - 10:45 a.m.
More info is on our events calendar:  http://www.seattlego.org/events/

To check whether your AGA membership needs to be renewed, go to http://www.usgo.org/search-ratings?
The membership expiration date is in the 2nd to last column.

To renew your AGA membership:  https://www.usgo.org/members/

Best regards,
Mike Malveaux

PS -- How many beginners does it take to change a lightbulb?

(They can't, because they don't see the ladder.)

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[Seattle Go Center] Hello from the new guy


I'm Mike Malveaux, the new Program Manager for Seattle Go Center.  As you've probably heard by now, in the coming
weeks, I'll be taking responsibility for roughly half of Brian Allen's duties -- posting on the website and email list, organizing
classes, outreach, volunteers, pro events, etc.  He has big shoes to fill, and I have a *lot* to learn, so please feel free to
help with my education. Thanks to everyone for having welcomed me so warmly!

You can best reach me via email:  programs@seattlego.org

I will be at the Center on Tuesdays regularly, and sometimes on other evenings.  I look forward to seeing you across a goban soon!

All the best,
Mike M.

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[Seattle Go Center] SDK Wednesday

Hey all!

Just a quick heads up, we will be meeting tomorrow as usual at 6:30. Nothing in particular planned, but there will be opportunities for personalized instruction and casual games. I also have a couple interesting tsumego, if anyone's in the mood for some puzzles.

Hope to see you there!


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[Seattle Go Center] Meet Program Manager Mike Malveaux Today Tuesday

Hi All,


Our new Program Manager, Mike Malveaux,  will be at the Go Center today, May 29, from about 3 – 10 p.m.  In response to an earlier email, Mike wrote: “The community of Seattle Go Center is amazing, and I treasure it.  I am grateful to have been chosen as Program Manager, and I'm looking forward to starting soon!  If you have ideas about conducting effective outreach or fundraising, or time to invest in volunteering, please let me know.”  The best email to reach Mike is programs@seattlego.org


As usual, we will have fresh bread from Chris Kirschner.  Recently, the Go Center has been a bit slow on Tuesday afternoons, but the evenings have been lively.




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[Seattle Go Center] Open on Saturday, Closed on Monday

Dear Members,


This Memorial Day Weekend, we will be open on Saturday for informal lessons and casual games, from 1-8 p.m.  But on Monday, May 28, Nick’s class will not be meeting.  By the way, last Monday, 25 people came for his game with Andrew Jackson.




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[Seattle Go Center] Go center open tonight

Hey folks,

I'm subbing for Drew tonight. I will open the go center around 6:30p for our weekly SDK-level study group. Please come in for games and discussion.


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[Seattle Go Center] Mike Malveaux is your new Program Manager

Dear Members,

I am pleased to announce that the Directors of the Seattle Go Center have selected Mike Malveaux to be the Program
Manager for the center. This is a new part time position with responsibility for classes, workshops, visiting pros,
outreach and school programs. Mike will also be updating the website, the mailing list, and our social media. I will be
continuing at the Go Center as Operations Manager, with responsibility for the building, the bookkeeping, and for tax

The Hiring Committee interviewed three candidates for the Program Manager position, and all three were well qualified
to do the job. However, when it came to teaching beginners, teaching in the schools, and organizing Go events, Mike's
experience was particularly impressive. Mike ran Go clubs in two schools in Tacoma around 2000 - 2006, and he was a
frequent volunteer at Seattle Go Center events up to 2010. He has run or helped run about 25 tournaments, and he has
been a mainstay of the Tacoma Go Club, and now the South Sound Go Club. He did graphics for the 2005 Go Congress,
and for several Summer Go Camps. In 2011, he started teaching snowboarding at Snoqualmie Pass to children and
adults, and from 2013 - 2017, he was a paraeducator in public elementary schools, helping students with behavioral

Mike will continue to live in Tacoma, and he plans to keep up with the South Sound Go Club. He hopes to commute to
Seattle by bus, and to get some reading done on the way. He will be at the Go Center next Tuesday, May 29. Please
welcome Mike!

Brian Allen

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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Nick's 300th!

Hey Go Fans-
I will be recording my 300th YouTube Episode of Nick Sibicky's Go Lectures this Monday! Andrew Jackson has graciously agreed to play a live game with me while you all eat pizza and kibitz! I think we will have a pretty good time, come and be part of the celebration!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] Tacoma Tournament this Sunday May 20 at TerraCrux

Dear Go Players,


The South Sound Go Club has organized an AGA rated tournament for this Sunday, May 19.  This is the first rated Go tournament in quite a while for the Tacoma area.  Cheers to Tom C. and Mike M. for organizing this.  Here are the details:




Sunday, May 20.  Registration opens at 9 AM.  First round starts at 10 AM.

TerraCrux Games, 760 Commerce St., Tacoma, WA, 98402

Games will be AGA-rated, so be an AGA member (can join on-site); plus $5 to defray expenses.

Three rounds of tournament Go.  No prizes (except bragging rights).


Street parking is free on Sundays.

Bring your lunch (there's a Subway and a Dominos within walking distance).

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[Seattle Go Center] U District Street Fair needs afternoon volunteers May 19 & 20

Dear Teachers,


We need two more volunteers for Saturday afternoon, and one more for Sunday afternoon at the U District Street Fair this weekend, May 19 & 20.  Our booth will be at the lower end of the Fair, on “the Ave” in the block that the Café Solstice is on.   Please let me know if you want to help out.


I think we have the mornings covered, but of course you are welcome to come by and visit then as well.






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[Seattle Go Center] Summer Go Camps in Japan

Dear Members,

Our members have enjoyed two summer Go camps in Japan. They are running again this summer, and at different times,
so you could do both! They are organized by the two big Go organizations in Japan, the Nihon Ki-in and the Kansai Ki-in. If
you want more information about these camps, I can put you in touch with people who have done them before.

The Osaka Go Camp runs from June 24 to July 12, 2018

The Tokyo Go Camp runs from Aug 21 to Sept 1, 2018


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[Seattle Go Center] Instructors for Private Instruction Sought

Dear Go Teachers,


We are looking for more Go teachers for our Paid Private Instructor program, especially for summer teachers of children.  This program is for teaching at the Seattle Go Center during hours when we are usually closed.  The instructors become part time employees of the Go Center; their gross wages are 75% of the fees we collect.  For more information on the program, you may check this webpage:



If you are interested in applying to teach in the program, please contact me.  I can also provide more information for people looking for lessons for themselves or their children.





206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at home)





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[Seattle Go Center] SDK meeting tomorrow

Hey folks,

I will open the Go Center tomorrow at 6:30p for SDK night.

Please come in for some games. Like last week, I will have a few variations prepared for a short discussion break during the evening.

Hope to see you tomorrow!


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Melhorias dos controles de privacidade e da Política de Privacidade

Updating Our Privacy Policy
Neste mês, estamos atualizando nossa Política de Privacidade para deixar mais claro quais informações são coletadas e por quê. Também criamos medidas para melhorar nosso Check-up de privacidade e outros controles disponibilizados para resguardar seus dados e proteger sua privacidade.
Não haverá alterações nas suas configurações atuais nem no processamento das informações. O que mudou é que nossas práticas estão descritas de forma mais clara, assim como as opções disponibilizadas para atualizar, gerenciar, exportar e excluir os dados.
Além de realizar essas atualizações em conformidade com os novos regulamentos de proteção de dados que estão entrando em vigor na União Europeia, estamos aproveitando a oportunidade para fazer melhorias para os usuários do Google em todo o mundo.
Uma Política de Privacidade mais fácil de entender
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A versão revisada da política está disponível neste link e entrará em vigor em 25 de maio de 2018.
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Neste mês, atualizamos nosso Check-up de privacidade com novos exemplos e ilustrações para ajudar você a tomar decisões mais fundamentadas sobre seus controles de privacidade. Sabemos que suas preferências podem mudar com o tempo. Por isso, o novo Check-up de privacidade permite configurar lembretes regulares para você revisar as configurações de privacidade.
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[Seattle Go Center] Spring Tournament Results

Dear Members,


Three previous winners of Seattle Go Center tournaments competed in the Spring Tournament, held May 6.  They were Sorin Gherman 6d, who won the 2018 Jin Chen tournament, Kai Fugami 6d, winner of the 2017 Anniversary Tournament, and Yue Zhang 7d, who won the 2016 Anniversary Tournament.  This time, Yue Zhang won the eight person Open Section with a 3-0 record, while the other two players had 2-1 records, along with Zhixiang Lou 5d.


The Handicapped Section had 20 players.  In a change from previous tournaments, there were no bands in the Handicapped Section.  Book and equipment prizes were given to all players who won three games.  They were Zihong Yao 2d, Frank Brown 6k, Xiangnan Chen 7k, and Lucas Lu 9k, who also won the youth prize.  Nobody chose the full set of Hikaru no Go books, so they are waiting for another tournament.


The tournament has already been rated, since everybody had up to date memberships with the American Go Association (AGA).   To see a graph of your rating (or those of your friends), go to:



To check when your AGA membership needs to be renewed, without using passwords, go to the link below.  The membership expiration date is in the 2nd to last column:








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[Seattle Go Center] U District Street Fair May 19-20

Dear Volunteers,


The U District Street Fair is coming this weekend, Saturday, May 19 and Sunday, May 20.  This is “ a neighborhood tradition celebrating peace, culture & community for 47 years”.  We are looking for volunteers to teach capture Go, play casual games, and answer questions about the Go Center.  We also need volunteers to set up our booth, and to pack it away.


We will provide volunteers with drinks (non-alcoholic), hot or cold, for free.  We will be in the “Orange Zone”, between 42nd and 41st on University Way (“the Ave”), so we will be pretty close to the Café Solstice, and to the Mainstage.


Our booth will be open:

Saturday 10 am to 7 pm

Sunday 10 am to 6 pm


Brian is looking for an assistant for set-up.  Meet would meet at the Go Center at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 19.

We are also looking for help to pack up the booth, and move it to the car at 6:00 p.m. on Sunday, May 20.


Come join us for this unique Seattle tradition.  Please contact me if you would like to help out.




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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Reading

Greetings Go Fans-
You know what we haven't done in a long time? Old-fashioned life and death reading practice! I will set up a number of problems at a variety of skill levels and review how to best approach life and death problems. And, as a bonus, I will show you MY FAVORITE LIFE AND DEATH PROBLEM OF ALL TIME. :-)

As an additional reminder for the following week, May 21, we will have free pizza and Andrew Jackson will join us for an exhibition game as part of my 300th YouTube Lecture Celebration! I hope that you can make it.

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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Re: [ORE] Do you let NPCs use Shaking It Off?

If you feel it is important for an NPC to live then sure. If not, then let them die.


On Wed, May 9, 2018 at 9:33 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I was just curious how often you have NPCs use Willpower for Shaking It Off or the like? Do you consider it an ability the character has that they'd be foolish not to use, or a partially out of game construct meant to facilitate play?

Your average metahuman has at least 4 Base Will, which they could burn for 40 Willpower, which translates to negating 20 points of killing damage. Many metahumans will have a lot more Will than that - that can translate to everyone being ridiculously durable even if at the cost of their long term will.

For myself, I tend to let my NPCs burn Willpower for Shaking It Off relatively freely, but I don't generally have them burn Base Will for Willpower, even in a life or death situation. Better to actually have NPCs that actually, y'know, die sometimes.

What about you?

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[ORE] Do you let NPCs use Shaking It Off?

I was just curious how often you have NPCs use Willpower for Shaking It Off or the like? Do you consider it an ability the character has that they'd be foolish not to use, or a partially out of game construct meant to facilitate play?

Your average metahuman has at least 4 Base Will, which they could burn for 40 Willpower, which translates to negating 20 points of killing damage. Many metahumans will have a lot more Will than that - that can translate to everyone being ridiculously durable even if at the cost of their long term will.

For myself, I tend to let my NPCs burn Willpower for Shaking It Off relatively freely, but I don't generally have them burn Base Will for Willpower, even in a life or death situation. Better to actually have NPCs that actually, y'know, die sometimes.

What about you?

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[Seattle Go Center] SDK Wednesday hangout tomorrow

Hey all!

Hope the nice weather is treating y'all well. I don't have anything planned for tomorrow, but will be there at the usual 6:30pm time slot. I expect there will be ample time for personalized instruction if you would like any, and of course there will be problems and casual games as well. You're also welcome to just come hang out and chill, if that's your thing.

Hope to see you there!


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[Seattle Go Center] Hurry Curry Meet-Up Continues, Crossroads Meet-Up Closes

Dear Go Players,


Oren will be hosting the Hurry Curry Meet-Up in South Lake Union tonight, Monday.  They are at 825 Harrison St. Seattle WA 98109.  Casual games and informal instruction are possible.  This is ongoing, and Daniel Top will be back next week.


We are sorry to report that the meet-up at Crossroads Bellevue, usually held on Thursdays, has stopped.  This Eastside group has been meeting for 4 years, a good run, but attendance has been low recently.  Thanks to Thane, who organized it, and the hosts, who included Frank Fukuda, Harpreet, and Solomon.  Thanks also to Uncle’s Games, who stored our equipment, and who also have Go equipment for sale.


Our full listing of clubs and meetups is below.  Let me know if a listing needs to be updated.





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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Park Jungwan

Hey Go Fans-
During tomorrow's DDK Class we will review a recent game by Park Jungwan. As many of you know, he has recently reclaimed his #1 spot at the top of the worldwide Go rankings, and has been playing many crazy and wild games. The game we will be replaying will feature many novel moves and interesting strategies. You don't want to miss out!

Additionally, please bookmark May 21st on your calendars. On this day we will be recording my 300th YouTube lecture at the Seattle Go Center. It will be a good time for all, with free pizza!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] Prizes for the Spring Tournament on Sunday May 6

Dear Members,


We’ve been getting ready for the Spring Tournament tomorrow, May 6.  (Registration is at the beginning of the tournament, from 10 to 10:45 a.m. )   For the Handicapped Section, everybody who wins three games gets to choose a prize.   I’ve been going through our donation boxes, and selected some good stuff.  We have a nice katsura slotted board – the two pieces are joined by woodworker’s joints, not hinges.  We also have thin slate and shell stones from Japan, and some nice glass stones from Japan.  We have both volumes of Cho Chikun’s “All About Life and Death”, a copy of “Invincible”, and a full set of Hikaru no Go mangas.  Plus lots more!  We hope to see you tomorrow, Sunday.





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[Seattle Go Center] strong player visiting today

Hi All -

We have a dan player from Japan visiting today, Saturday. He will also be at the Tournament tomorrow. Anybody want to
play a game?


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[Seattle Go Center] No Kent Go Meetup Tonight

Happy Friday everyone,

Unfortunately, there is no one available today to head up the monthly Kent meetup so we will be skipping this month.  There is however the big Spring Tournament this Sunday at the Go Center that you have probably already seen from Brian.  If you are itching for your Go fix then I highly recommend attending.  It is a great place to get fun games for all skill levels and there are even prizes for those that do well!

Look forward to seeing you all there!

-Nick W.

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[Seattle Go Center] Program Manager Position Interviews Start Soon

Dear Members,


Last week I wrote that we are creating a new position at the Go Center, called the “Program Manager”.   We will probably start interviews next week (May 8).  This is a paid part time position (50 hours a month) with flexible hours and some work required on weekends and evenings.   The position could start up any time before September, depending on the candidate’s schedule.


A number of people have expressed interest in the position, including two PhD’s and a 5 dan.  However, none of those three can fit the job into their schedule.  It should also be noted that the position does not require those impressive credentials – we just need somebody with Go teaching experience who can keep our program organized, both on-line and in person.  This will be an interesting job with a lot of room for self-starters.   I can send you a full job description if you are interested.









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[Seattle Go Center] Go center open tonight

Hi all,

The go center will be open tonight for games starting around 6:30p. I will have a couple positions to discuss for those interested, focusing on sacrificing stones to gain sente.

Come in for a game! Hope to see you then.


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