Hello, all. Please make an effort to join us Tuesday for a short discussion at Seattle Go Center at 7pm if you have any interest in hosting the AGA Go Congress in Seattle or Portland area in 2024. We want to partner with the Portland Go Club, but we need volunteers to help organize the event. It is very exciting when the congress is nearby for partially or fully attending, easy to get there, saves money 🙂. But the AGA really needs help finding a location for 2024 very soon and getting the organizing going due to the usual pipeline of planning being disrupted by covid.
The volunteer work can be done remotely if we choose a Portland site. Most of the work is long-lead phone calling and organizing event space, pricing, activities, accommodations, registration (now largely handled by new AGA professional software being used this year), etc. The really hard work of site setup and teardown gets hordes of volunteers from all over the country.
Please consider helping us host the 2024 AGA Go Congress in the PNW!!
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