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Re: [ORE] How to Build a Better Demonic Soul-Sucking Whip

I thought about the Non-Physical, but ultimately decided against it. 


The campaign focuses new, inexperienced low-powered heroes.  I set a 6d cap on all starting pools and wanted all powers to have Flaws that the PCs can buy off, as they get better.  I added some other House Rules, which included some new types of dice, etc.  I'll post more if anyone is interested…


As for the Store Soul, it is a Willpower Battery based in a Focus.  There are a couple of reasons for this.  First, I'm thinking of suggesting that the character have an Alternate Demon Form with the Unhealing Intrinsic and the Extra-Dimensional Source.  Being not of this world, the Demon Form does not naturally heal.  It feeds upon souls (Willpower) to recuperate.  Second, I'm thinking the whip is currently semi-sentient, which will develop to a fully sentient entity as it feeds.  A SideKick maybe or maybe an opposing force?  Who knows…


I did not want it to be too easy for the PC to get the Willpower so that is why I had the Free Resistance Roll.  You are probably right about the extra roll slowing things down.  I'll have to rethink that.


Thanks for the comments and good advice!

On Wednesday, August 8, 2012 10:34:09 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
I could go either way with Non-Physical, seasoned to taste.  I'm leery of the free resistance roll on the Willpower drain, partly because extra rolls slow down combat, and partly because it neuters the power quite a bit.

I'm a little fuzzy on Store Soul; is it a Focus-based Willpower Battery?  A character won't normally need an additional power to keep gained Willpower.

Something appropriate for a demonic whip that you may want to consider is a variation on Greg Stolze's "I just pulled a new use for my powers out of my eyes" thing (from this post, referencing an early version of the WT2e rules: http://forum.rpg.net/showthread.php?414980-Wild-Talents-Essential-Edition-Stat-Up-Some-Reference-Heroes&p=9386526#post9386526 ). Something like:

Useful (creative whip stuff): Variable Effect +4, No Physics +1, If/Then (theme: whip) -2, Exhausted -3, Focus -0

For 2 points / die, once per scene, you can do some creative Useful effect.  Willpower Investment -1 or a similar Flaw can bring it down to 1 point / die, or Obvious -1 if it involves verbally invoking the demonic spirit of the whip, or an apocalyptic pillar of fire, or an airhorn, or whatever.


On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 6:23 AM, Chris Fougere <fouge...@hotmail.com> wrote:
I like it and will probably co-opt it for an NPC if you don't mind:)

I'd make the Whip Lash Non-Physical (resisted by a Will roll) to simulate the demonic power (also a fair number of my PCs have armor and they need to stop being so reliant on it, but that's just me.

Date: Wed, 8 Aug 2012 06:45:13 -0700
From: jjko...@yahoo.com
To: cult-...@googlegroups.com
Subject: [ORE] How to Build a Better Demonic Soul-Sucking Whip

Hey all, I have a Player that wants to build a Power Focus in the form of a demonic whip.  The Player was thinking about having the following powers in the whip:

1.                   Whip Lash - a basic attack

2.                   Soul Flay - this is attached to Whip Lash and drains 1 point Willpower from the target if they have any

3.                   Soul Feast - this power is attached to Soul Flay and takes the point of drained Willpower

4.                   Store Soul - this is a Willpower Battery from the Miracle Cafeteria that only can store Willpower gained from Soul Feast with the Willpower only usable by the wielder

So, my question is how to build this.  I have a few ideas and came to the Learned Sages at the Cult of ORE for advice.


The Basic Focus is Demonic Whip: Focus (Focus (-1), Operational Skill (+0), Indestructible (+2), Irreplaceable (-2), Booby Trap (+1)) - Total Focus Modifier (-0)


Whip Lash: 6d - Basic attack Power

Attacks(+2), Capacity: Range.  Extras and Flaws:  Focus (-0), Daze (+1), Obvious [Demonic shrieking whip crack] (-1), Reduced Capacity (-1)

For a total of 1 point per die.  We went with Range and Reduced Capacity because it made more sense for a whip.


Soul Flay: 2hd - Drains Willpower from target

Useful(+2), Capacity: Range.  Extras and Flaws:  Focus (-0), Attached to Whip Lash (-2), Permanent (+4), If/Then [Whip Lash must damage target] (-1), If/Then [Only Drains 1 Willpower] (-1), If/Then [Target gets Free Resistance Roll of Command + Stability to avoid Willpower loss] (-1), Horrifying (-1)

For a total of 1 point per die.  We went with Range to keep in line with the Whip Lash.  I wanted a Resistance Roll (RR) because I feel like it makes sense.


Soul Feast: 2hd - Gains Willpower drained from target

Useful (+2), Capacity: Range.  Extras and Flaws:  Focus (-0), Attached to Soul Flay (-2), Permanent (+4), If/Then [Only if Soul Flay successfully drains Willpower] (-1), Delayed Effect (-2)

For a total of 1 point per die.  We went with Range to keep in line with the Whip Lash.


Store Soul: 6d – Stores Willpower gained from Soul Feast

Useful (+2), Capacity: Self.  Extras and Flaws:  Focus(-0), Self Only (-3), Permanent (+4), Attached to Soul Feast (-2)

For a total of 1 point per die.


Okay, so how does this look?  Does it do what I want it to do?  I welcome any and all comments and suggestions.
Thanks in advance.

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