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[Seattle Go Center] Wednesday class cancelled, but SGC still open

Hi all!

I am down for the count with a hideous head cold, and have spent most of the day asleep.  I won't be in tonight, but the Center is open and people will no doubt be there to have a game.

Sorry for the late notice and see you all next week!  Watch the seattlego-sdk group for some commented games.

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[Seattle Go Center] Open Thurs Aft. Closed Thurs Eve.

Dear Go Players,


The Seattle Go Center will be open as usual on Thursday afternoon, from 2-6 p.m.  We will not be open Halloween evening.  We don’t want anybody mistaking our go stones for candy!  J







Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[ORE] See ‘The Courtyard of Hell’ in Google Earth

Via http://arcdream.com/home/2013/10/see-the-courtyard-of-hell-in-google-earth/

Allan Goodall, author of the GODLIKE campaign The Courtyard of Hell, has compiled a KMZ file for Google Earth. Now the GM can see the streets and terrain of Ortona first-hand.

Click here to download the Courtyard of Hell KMZ file for Google Earth.

Dozens of key locations are tagged, from the approaches to Ortona…


…to the heart of the city, where the worst fighting will take place…


…down to house-by-house details…


…that tie in directly to the maps in the book.


Download the KMZ file today and tell your players to prepare themselves. "Little Stalingrad" awaits.


Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
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Re: [ORE] Extras & Dice Pool Limits

Spray dice definitely don't count towards Capacities (and neither do bonus dice from Augment, the Multiple Actions cafeteria power, etc.).  Only base dice in the power, and Extras and Flaws that explicitly affect Capacities (Booster, No Upper Limit, etc.).
Spray dice are really awesome if you're only using actions with Spray, or if your Spray actions have small enough dice pools to limit your rolled dice, but the inherent negation of multiple action penalties is freakin' amazing.  It lets you say, "I'm gonna dodge, and spray bullets everywhere -- any extra sets go to shooting the Cairo Proctor" without losing any dice from your lowest pool.  Never again will you curse getting four sets when you only declared one action!
Note that under some circumstances in which you have a Flaw-heavy power, you may be able to squeak in extra dice (or even a wd!) for "free."
-- Daniel

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 9:32 AM, John Poole <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
Okay, A player asked if spray dice increase the capacity of the power. Like 6d attack + 4d Spray = 10d range.
I said no. Correct?

So to use spray with other actions, like dodging while attacking...

--Determine the total size of each pool, including the spray dice
--But then use the lowest pool.

That seems to cut the legs out from under spray, but maybe it's intended to discourage use of non-spraying actions?

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:55 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:
My (house?) rule is that Qualities with Spray don't subtract a die for additional actions, and Spray dice are counted into each action's dice pool BEFORE finding the lowest pool to roll.  That means that if your lowest pool has Spray dice, they help; otherwise, not so much.
Also, as Allan said, you never, EVER roll more than 10d.
A rule that I think I backported from REIGN is that dice pools over 10d negate penalties.  Normally HD get eaten first by penalties, but this means that as long as you still have 10+ dice after penalties you can freely use all the HD you can.
-- Daniel

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
This came up mainly because my weird Permissions are limited the pools of powers. Several Extras give you extra dice to roll. Some of those are specific about the limits of this, but some of them seem to suggest the dice pool limit isn't a factor. Augment and Spray in particular.

Is the dice pool limit still 10d, even for those extras?

Are spray dice only allowed to make sets with the attached attack? If someone dodges in the same action, for example, do the spray dice need to be tracked separately from the main pool of dice?

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Re: [ORE] Perfect Copy

Okay, I went with Touch Only for the Perceive DNA power:

Perceive DNA 5hd (U; 1/die; 10 pts)

Useful Extras & Flaws: Subtle +1, Touch Only -2. Capacity: Touch.

Effect: You can read a subject's DNA by touching them, skin to skin. You will learn everything about them which can be learned by DNA. Subtle makes it very hard to notice you're doing anything other than shaking hands or whatever your excuse for touching someone is. You can even compare DNA of two samples with a multiple action (Which automatically succeeds thanks to five hard dice).

5hd because comparing DNA is kind of a thing for the player, and 5hd lets her do it in one convenient multiple action, though I did offer the option of doing it with 2hd if the hero samples the second sample in the turn following the first sample.

Now, to revisit the variable effect issue...

On Tuesday, October 29, 2013 1:20:43 AM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
The big difference is that Dead Ringer can do more than one thing.  "Turn into one particular person" is specific enough that it's covered by a single Useful quality IMHO, like "Useful (turn into my opposite-gender alter ego): Subtle +1, Self-Only -3".

This is where I disconnect. The power doesn't turn into one specific person, because she's free to take a new sample at any time. It's also suppose to be a perfect disguise: DNA, fingerprints, retina, etc.

Perhaps just the free change power and some sort of hyperskill for perfecting the disguise is a better way to go?
Variable Effect = emulating powers.

Maybe using the Cafeteria Power for my baseline comparison is skewing my understanding. The Dead Ringer Power I'm basing this on has the combination of Variable Effect +4 and If/Then (Variable Effect is only for choosing different appearances) -1. I understand that to mean the variable effect is limited to the choosing of new forms?

If the effect isn't considered variable because it's limited by the DNA reading, I guess I can see it, though the character can pretty easily touch someone else.

What if it was Dead Ringer with Touch Only? And while I'm looking at Dead Ringer, it also doesn't have the self only flaw? Oversight by the designers? Or something I'm missing? And actually Alternate Forms also doesn't have Self Only on any of the qualities. What am I missing?

As is, I have this:

Useful (Doppelganger) Extras & Flaws: Endless +3, Variable Effect +4, If/Then (Only the Form of the Most Recent DNA Reading) -1, If/Then (Variable Effect is only for choosing different appearances) -1, Self Only -3. Capacity: Self.

The player wanted to be able to hold the last reading 'in memory.'  So I traded Attached for If/Then (Only the Last DNA Read). This way she can shift back and forth between that last read disguise at will. With attached, she'd have to re-sample the DNA every time.

4 points/die on top of the free change power. I'm tempted to take the lowering just because the free change power is already doing the heavy lifting.

If I drop the variable effect and the if/then, cost drops to 1/die. Part of me thinks 1/die is reasonable only because she's already able to shift forms at will. This just lets her perfect the disguise. Hell... maybe this should be a disguise hyperskill instead.

I'm probably being too picky over a few points. But I want to make sure the power work like the player wants.



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[Seattle Go Center] Pair Go Practice on Tuesdays

Dear Go Players,


In anticipation of our Pair Go Tournament on Saturday evening, Dec. 7, we will be playing Pair Go on Tuesday nights at the Go Center, tonight Oct. 29, and next week, Nov. 5.


If you are interested in playing Pair Go on these Tuesdays, please email me and write when you will be at the Go Center.  You do not need to have a partner.  Since these are just practice games, we may suspend the rule that each pair needs to have both a male and female player.


Here are the full rules:






Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

Me too.

-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 6:37 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached and Permanent was pretty much the go-to set of Flaw and Extra for a power that activates automatically without an action when you use something else?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that does not have duration, endless, or permanent, you wasted points. This is because the attached power is off when the primary power is off. You still have to roll to restart the secondary power when you activate the primary power.

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that also has duration, endless, or permanent, both powers are always on, but both go off if the primary power is turned off.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).


On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:45:36 PM UTC-7, matt conlon wrote:
I thought attached forced you use powers simultaneously? This creates a multiple action limit. 

So if I had an Immolate (5d Atk, touch, duration)  with an Attached Forcefield (5d Defends, self, duration)

Whenever I activate Immolate I -must- activate Forcefield. So my 5d becomes 4d and I roll looking for two sets. 

If my Forcefield were Permanent, then the game's conceit is it automatically rolls itself when the power it's attached to activates.


-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspea...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached was to the actual event of the power? Or does Endless count for that?

Part of giving it 3hd instead of 2hd was the extra width. But I suppose a level of go first couldn't hurt.

On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:56:53 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
Mostly agree with Matt on this, although I'd use Attached (Fox Form) -2 instead of an If/Then, since that's exactly what Attached is for.
It might also be worth throwing Go First on Fox Form (and/or other powers, if appropriate) to make sure you beat normal sets in initiative.
-- Daniel

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] Extras & Dice Pool Limits

Okay, A player asked if spray dice increase the capacity of the power. Like 6d attack + 4d Spray = 10d range.
I said no. Correct?

So to use spray with other actions, like dodging while attacking...

--Determine the total size of each pool, including the spray dice
--But then use the lowest pool.

That seems to cut the legs out from under spray, but maybe it's intended to discourage use of non-spraying actions?

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:55 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:
My (house?) rule is that Qualities with Spray don't subtract a die for additional actions, and Spray dice are counted into each action's dice pool BEFORE finding the lowest pool to roll.  That means that if your lowest pool has Spray dice, they help; otherwise, not so much.
Also, as Allan said, you never, EVER roll more than 10d.
A rule that I think I backported from REIGN is that dice pools over 10d negate penalties.  Normally HD get eaten first by penalties, but this means that as long as you still have 10+ dice after penalties you can freely use all the HD you can.
-- Daniel

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
This came up mainly because my weird Permissions are limited the pools of powers. Several Extras give you extra dice to roll. Some of those are specific about the limits of this, but some of them seem to suggest the dice pool limit isn't a factor. Augment and Spray in particular.

Is the dice pool limit still 10d, even for those extras?

Are spray dice only allowed to make sets with the attached attack? If someone dodges in the same action, for example, do the spray dice need to be tracked separately from the main pool of dice?

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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

I actually really appreciate your humorless mechanical perspective in this case. It's clear and concise and matches what I thought in most respects and makes sense in those areas which didn't match my previous thinking.

So now, I'm relating this to the other character, the one with DNA Reading and shapechanging. Her Doppelganger effect is permanent and attached to the DNA read, so she MAY change shape on any successful reading, yes? Were she to take automatic or always on for the transformation, then she would be FORCED to change into whatever she was DNA reading, yeah? Which would be humorous, but I don't think the player would appreciate it. :)

On Tue, Oct 29, 2013 at 1:38 AM, Daniel Kane <daniel.m.kane@gmail.com> wrote:
My reading of Attached is (assuming P is some power Attached to A):
- If A is not active, P cannot be used.
- If A and P are declared as actions in the same turn, you need two sets and A must go off before P.
- If A does not have Duration/Endless/Permanent, you have a one-turn grace period to declare and use P.
- If A is active already with Duration/Endless/Permanent, P may be declared as an action and its sets are effective.
- If P has Permanent, it may be reflexively activated anytime A is active, even at the moment in initiative A turns on.
- If P has the Automatic Flaw, you MUST declare and attempt to activate it on any turn in which you declare use of A or A is active with Duration, etc..
- If P has Permanent and Always On, Always On functions as Automatic, but requires no declaration.
The concise version:
- P's sets are only good within one turn after an A set goes off
- Powers with Duration/Endless/Permanent repeat their set every turn after activation (making Attached powers eligible for use)
- If P has Always On or Automatic, you must attempt to activate it on any turn in which you have the option and it doesn't already have a set from Duration/etc..
And not specified in the book, but by my intuition:
- If A has a non-instant duration and is actively turned off, disabled, or suppressed (for example, from the Locational Flaw or Negation), P sets are rendered useless even if an A sets took effect already on the current turn or the last turn.
Pardon my humorless mechanical perspective. :-)
-- Daniel

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:
Huh. This is what happens when you've played two version of WT as well as Godlike. It's not spelled out in Godlike or WT1 what happens with duration, endless, and permanent, but it is in WT2. I obviously need to a) re-read WT2, and b) stop replying...

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I thought Attached and Permanent was pretty much the go-to set of Flaw and Extra for a power that activates automatically without an action when you use something else?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that does not have duration, endless, or permanent, you wasted points. This is because the attached power is off when the primary power is off. You still have to roll to restart the secondary power when you activate the primary power.

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that also has duration, endless, or permanent, both powers are always on, but both go off if the primary power is turned off.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).


On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:45:36 PM UTC-7, matt conlon wrote:
I thought attached forced you use powers simultaneously? This creates a multiple action limit. 

So if I had an Immolate (5d Atk, touch, duration)  with an Attached Forcefield (5d Defends, self, duration)

Whenever I activate Immolate I -must- activate Forcefield. So my 5d becomes 4d and I roll looking for two sets. 

If my Forcefield were Permanent, then the game's conceit is it automatically rolls itself when the power it's attached to activates.


-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspea...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached was to the actual event of the power? Or does Endless count for that?

Part of giving it 3hd instead of 2hd was the extra width. But I suppose a level of go first couldn't hurt.

On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:56:53 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
Mostly agree with Matt on this, although I'd use Attached (Fox Form) -2 instead of an If/Then, since that's exactly what Attached is for.
It might also be worth throwing Go First on Fox Form (and/or other powers, if appropriate) to make sure you beat normal sets in initiative.
-- Daniel

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] Extras & Dice Pool Limits

My (house?) rule is that Qualities with Spray don't subtract a die for additional actions, and Spray dice are counted into each action's dice pool BEFORE finding the lowest pool to roll.  That means that if your lowest pool has Spray dice, they help; otherwise, not so much.
Also, as Allan said, you never, EVER roll more than 10d.
A rule that I think I backported from REIGN is that dice pools over 10d negate penalties.  Normally HD get eaten first by penalties, but this means that as long as you still have 10+ dice after penalties you can freely use all the HD you can.
-- Daniel

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:46 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
This came up mainly because my weird Permissions are limited the pools of powers. Several Extras give you extra dice to roll. Some of those are specific about the limits of this, but some of them seem to suggest the dice pool limit isn't a factor. Augment and Spray in particular.

Is the dice pool limit still 10d, even for those extras?

Are spray dice only allowed to make sets with the attached attack? If someone dodges in the same action, for example, do the spray dice need to be tracked separately from the main pool of dice?

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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).
If success isn't guaranteed, you always need to roll (and may want to roll anyway if you want more than the minimum possible set).  Note that Permanent always lets you roll its full pool without declaring a multiple action.  Pretty sure you aren't *forced* to activate an Attached power unless you also have the Automatic Flaw, or Always On for Permanent.
I had a WT game in which most of the antagonists had lame or awesome powers made complicated problems by virtue of being Permanent and Always On, like Haven or The 4400.  It's an awesome, awesome Flaw for NPCs.
-- Daniel, again

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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

My reading of Attached is (assuming P is some power Attached to A):
- If A is not active, P cannot be used.
- If A and P are declared as actions in the same turn, you need two sets and A must go off before P.
- If A does not have Duration/Endless/Permanent, you have a one-turn grace period to declare and use P.
- If A is active already with Duration/Endless/Permanent, P may be declared as an action and its sets are effective.
- If P has Permanent, it may be reflexively activated anytime A is active, even at the moment in initiative A turns on.
- If P has the Automatic Flaw, you MUST declare and attempt to activate it on any turn in which you declare use of A or A is active with Duration, etc..
- If P has Permanent and Always On, Always On functions as Automatic, but requires no declaration.
The concise version:
- P's sets are only good within one turn after an A set goes off
- Powers with Duration/Endless/Permanent repeat their set every turn after activation (making Attached powers eligible for use)
- If P has Always On or Automatic, you must attempt to activate it on any turn in which you have the option and it doesn't already have a set from Duration/etc..
And not specified in the book, but by my intuition:
- If A has a non-instant duration and is actively turned off, disabled, or suppressed (for example, from the Locational Flaw or Negation), P sets are rendered useless even if an A sets took effect already on the current turn or the last turn.
Pardon my humorless mechanical perspective. :-)
-- Daniel

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:00 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:
Huh. This is what happens when you've played two version of WT as well as Godlike. It's not spelled out in Godlike or WT1 what happens with duration, endless, and permanent, but it is in WT2. I obviously need to a) re-read WT2, and b) stop replying...

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I thought Attached and Permanent was pretty much the go-to set of Flaw and Extra for a power that activates automatically without an action when you use something else?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that does not have duration, endless, or permanent, you wasted points. This is because the attached power is off when the primary power is off. You still have to roll to restart the secondary power when you activate the primary power.

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that also has duration, endless, or permanent, both powers are always on, but both go off if the primary power is turned off.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).


On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:45:36 PM UTC-7, matt conlon wrote:
I thought attached forced you use powers simultaneously? This creates a multiple action limit. 

So if I had an Immolate (5d Atk, touch, duration)  with an Attached Forcefield (5d Defends, self, duration)

Whenever I activate Immolate I -must- activate Forcefield. So my 5d becomes 4d and I roll looking for two sets. 

If my Forcefield were Permanent, then the game's conceit is it automatically rolls itself when the power it's attached to activates.


-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspea...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached was to the actual event of the power? Or does Endless count for that?

Part of giving it 3hd instead of 2hd was the extra width. But I suppose a level of go first couldn't hurt.

On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:56:53 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
Mostly agree with Matt on this, although I'd use Attached (Fox Form) -2 instead of an If/Then, since that's exactly what Attached is for.
It might also be worth throwing Go First on Fox Form (and/or other powers, if appropriate) to make sure you beat normal sets in initiative.
-- Daniel

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] Perfect Copy

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:51:18 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
I'd give Perceive DNA the Touch Only Flaw (changing it to Capacity: Touch) instead of an If/Then.

I based this off of examples in the book which use If/Then (Must Touch Subject) for things like power mimic. What's the difference between the two flaws, with respect to when you use which?
The difference is that Power Mimic affects the mimic themselves, and touching the target is just a trigger like Attached.  Touch Only indicates that your power works on anything you can touch (and is basically the Range Capacity with range 0).
Also, since Variable Effect (as in Power Mimic) has no Capacities by default anyway -- you're emulating powers for yourself -- taking Flaws that reduce the Capacities would be silly.

Assuming Touch Only really is the more appropriate method... with the cost already at 1/die, I'd want to fine the player a nice, thematically appropriate +1 Extra to offset the net -1 switching to Touch Only. Oh... Subtle +1 would be perfect. She's already used the power several times while shaking hands and such.
I'd also knock Variable Effect, Attached, and If/Then off of the Dead Ringer analogue.  Since you can very specifically only shapeshift into one form (the last DNA you sampled), no Variable Effect should be necessary.
Useful (Dupe last sampled DNA): Endless +3, Self-Only -3, Capacity: Self

The Self Only gives me the same weird munchkinny feeling it did for the other character's shapechange, but I allowed it there, so I should allow it here to be consistent. :P
Self-Only is second only to Obvious in being an easy source of points for powers.  Think of it this way: without Self-Only, the power can have Range and apply to *anyone*.  Which is actually a pretty cool power, especially with If/Then (doesn't work on self) -1.
This might be my inner munchkin speaking, but whenever I write up a power I think to myself "Is this less awesome or flavorful if it's loud, bright, or otherwise attention-grabbing?"
But Variable Effect and If/Then is taken from Dead Ringer, and while this use of the power is a bit more limited than free change because of the need to read DNA first, the effect is still variable. But... pointwise... "Variable/IfThen/Attached" is +1 and
The big difference is that Dead Ringer can do more than one thing.  "Turn into one particular person" is specific enough that it's covered by a single Useful quality IMHO, like "Useful (turn into my opposite-gender alter ego): Subtle +1, Self-Only -3".

The existing power doesn't emulate powers at all. She only wants to change appearance, but her own stats/skills and powers remain.
Variable Effect = emulating powers.  The Flaws on the Quality apply to the actual emulation, but don't carry over directly to the "multi-power" emulated Qualities.  For example, Slow on a Quality with VE means you can only emulate a different power every other turn, while If/Then (emulated powers have Slow) -1 forces you to add the Flaw to the emulated powers.  You can also mandate Extras for emulated Qualities in the same way, like If/Then (emulated powers have Permanent) -1.
In practice, it's easiest to take Permanent and a wd or a couple hd so you can pretend it's one Quality that does a bunch of things (because you never have to roll to emulate powers), and note down the Extras/Flaws of the de facto power, the emulated one.  Those aren't the Extras and Flaws that actually count for points, though!
This is more important for you, the GM, to know than the players... most of the time.  I'd avoid people without good system mastery taking something like Cosmic Power, though.
Variable Effect is pretty complicated and, additionally, changed a lot between early versions of the Essential Edition and the final print version.
But... both powers have the same parameters with respect to the sorts of forms she can assume. The perfect copy only makes the copy...er... perfect. DNA, fingerprints, retinal scan. The free-change lets her be creative. What about...

Thousand Faces 2hd (U; 8/die; 32 pts)
Useful (Free Change) Extras and Flaws: Endless +3, Variable Effect +4, If/Then (Human Forms Only) -1, If/Then (Variable Effect is only for choosing different appearances) -1, Self Only -3. Capacity: Self. 4/die
Useful (Doppelganger) Extras and Flaws: Permanent+4, Variable Effect +4, If/Then Attached (Perceive DNA) -2, If/Then (Variable Effect is only for choosing different appearances) -1, Self Only -3. Capacity: Self. 4/die
Effect: User changes freely to any human form of roughly the same mass. Upon perceiving the DNA of a subject, the user may immediately assume that form.

I considered attaching the Doppelganger to the free change as well as the DNA reading, but your idea of making it permanent for an immediate change was appealing and if I attached it to the free change I don't think the permanent effect would work.

Reading some of the other items on Arc Dream's site, and with this particular character coming in quite low in points, I might suggest a few modifications to the player, to use powers of copied Deltas, perhaps, maybe, or to enhance her fighting prowess by adding some neat Defends and/or Attacks qualities to the power. But really the player's plan was a more physcial character who could also adopt disguises at-will

Speaking of Permanent, putting it on the DNA-duplication would differentiate it a bit more from the free shapechanging, because it wouldn't require an action (or multiple action) to shift between your normal form and the last DNA you "tasted," while arbitrary shapeshifts require one (or two) actions.
You may also want to write up the specific power that the Variable Effect emulates, something like:
Useful (shapeshift into _____): Endless +3, Self-only -3, If/Then (no more than plus/minus half base mass) -1

 I thought you needed a size shift power to affect mass appreciably anyway?
You really do, but I thought it was worth emphasizing and it doesn't change the value of the Quality.  Emulated qualities don't have points/die and so don't count the first two points from the Quality; the user just has to pay Willpower if there aren't enough Flaws to balance out the Extras.
-- Daniel

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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

Huh. This is what happens when you've played two version of WT as well as Godlike. It's not spelled out in Godlike or WT1 what happens with duration, endless, and permanent, but it is in WT2. I obviously need to a) re-read WT2, and b) stop replying...

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 11:37 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I thought Attached and Permanent was pretty much the go-to set of Flaw and Extra for a power that activates automatically without an action when you use something else?

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 10:25 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that does not have duration, endless, or permanent, you wasted points. This is because the attached power is off when the primary power is off. You still have to roll to restart the secondary power when you activate the primary power.

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that also has duration, endless, or permanent, both powers are always on, but both go off if the primary power is turned off.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).


On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:45:36 PM UTC-7, matt conlon wrote:
I thought attached forced you use powers simultaneously? This creates a multiple action limit. 

So if I had an Immolate (5d Atk, touch, duration)  with an Attached Forcefield (5d Defends, self, duration)

Whenever I activate Immolate I -must- activate Forcefield. So my 5d becomes 4d and I roll looking for two sets. 

If my Forcefield were Permanent, then the game's conceit is it automatically rolls itself when the power it's attached to activates.


-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspea...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached was to the actual event of the power? Or does Endless count for that?

Part of giving it 3hd instead of 2hd was the extra width. But I suppose a level of go first couldn't hurt.

On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:56:53 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
Mostly agree with Matt on this, although I'd use Attached (Fox Form) -2 instead of an If/Then, since that's exactly what Attached is for.
It might also be worth throwing Go First on Fox Form (and/or other powers, if appropriate) to make sure you beat normal sets in initiative.
-- Daniel

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Re: [ORE] Power Help - Transform into one thing

Okay... but I was reading right from the book. And it said...

Attached (–1 or –2)
A power with Attached takes effect only when you use another power or a particular Stat or Skill. You still must roll for each; you can take the primary action in one round and the Attached power the next, or use both in one round with multiple actions. Take the Duration, Endless or Permanent Extra to have the attached power "go off" automatically when you use its associated Stat or power. Attached is worth –2 if it applies only when you use a specific Miracle or Skill. If Attached applies when you use a particular Stat (which can be used with multiple Skills), it's worth –1.
It's possible to take the Attached Flaw more than once, if your power requires more than one "source" power to be active.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 9:25 PM, Allan Goodall <awgoodall@gmail.com> wrote:

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that does not have duration, endless, or permanent, you wasted points. This is because the attached power is off when the primary power is off. You still have to roll to restart the secondary power when you activate the primary power.

If you Attached a power that has duration, endless or permanent to another power that also has duration, endless, or permanent, both powers are always on, but both go off if the primary power is turned off.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 7:50 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspeak.teller@gmail.com> wrote:
The description of Attached says you can take the primary action in one round and the attached action the next, or choose to try a multiple action. Is the attached power has duration, endless or permanent it goes off automatically when you use the primary (Though I assume one still is forced to roll if the power doesn't have hard dice?).


On Monday, October 28, 2013 5:45:36 PM UTC-7, matt conlon wrote:
I thought attached forced you use powers simultaneously? This creates a multiple action limit. 

So if I had an Immolate (5d Atk, touch, duration)  with an Attached Forcefield (5d Defends, self, duration)

Whenever I activate Immolate I -must- activate Forcefield. So my 5d becomes 4d and I roll looking for two sets. 

If my Forcefield were Permanent, then the game's conceit is it automatically rolls itself when the power it's attached to activates.


-Matt Conlon

On Oct 28, 2013, at 2:20 PM, Longspeak Teller <longspea...@gmail.com> wrote:

I thought Attached was to the actual event of the power? Or does Endless count for that?

Part of giving it 3hd instead of 2hd was the extra width. But I suppose a level of go first couldn't hurt.

On Monday, October 28, 2013 2:56:53 PM UTC-7, Daniel M. Kane wrote:
Mostly agree with Matt on this, although I'd use Attached (Fox Form) -2 instead of an If/Then, since that's exactly what Attached is for.
It might also be worth throwing Go First on Fox Form (and/or other powers, if appropriate) to make sure you beat normal sets in initiative.
-- Daniel

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