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Re: [ORE] [Godlike] Transmutation Flaws and costs

Fair enough- I wasn't trying to attack or anything, just get a clarification. So those Flaws are supposed to lower the cost of Transmutation?

On Monday, August 31, 2015 at 3:47:13 PM UTC-4, Shane Ivey wrote:
We probably should have removed the "Instead of reducing the cost..." lines.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 8:21 AM, John Doe <erikst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
The Flaws of King Midas and Limited Target state that the cost is not lowered, yet the Zindel character is built with both Flaws reducing the cost. Is this simply a case of "NPCs don't play by the same rules for character creation so don't worry about it"?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] [Godlike] Transmutation Flaws and costs

We probably should have removed the "Instead of reducing the cost..." lines.

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 8:21 AM, John Doe <erikstutzman@hotmail.com> wrote:
The Flaws of King Midas and Limited Target state that the cost is not lowered, yet the Zindel character is built with both Flaws reducing the cost. Is this simply a case of "NPCs don't play by the same rules for character creation so don't worry about it"?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[Seattle Go Center] Please use parking passes any time you visit us by car

Dear Members,


This is a friendly reminder that parking passes should be used anytime you park your vehicle at the Go Center.  The times when we can use the whole lot (evenings and Sundays) are also the times when Diamond parking is renting out the extra spaces.  So they need to know which cars belong to the Go Center.  If you get a ticket because you did not put out a pass, please tell me about it.  Usually I can get it undone.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

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[ORE] [Godlike] Transmutation Flaws and costs

The Flaws of King Midas and Limited Target state that the cost is not lowered, yet the Zindel character is built with both Flaws reducing the cost. Is this simply a case of "NPCs don't play by the same rules for character creation so don't worry about it"?

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Re: [Seattle Go Center] Andrew J's SDK Class Starts Up on Wed. Sept 2!

Hey all!

Pretty excited to start up classes again!  We're coming up on the second half of the year, and it's not too late to hit our Go goals for 2015!  i've found a whole bunch of great problems right at the 3k-8k level that i'm excited for us to work on over the coming weeks -- doing problems is one of the best ways to improve!

This week, we'll be starting again by talking about skill levels, and what separates a 10k from a 5k from a 1d from a 7d -- and how that can help our study!  I'll also give some cliffs-notes from the congress and the recent workshops at SGC :)

For the upcoming weeks, we'll do two weeks of overview, there'll be no class on september 16th, and then classes will continue through october without interruption.  And of course, there'll be lots and lots of problems and things to work on :D  Hope to see you there!


On Sat, Aug 29, 2015 at 12:36 PM, Brian Allen <bkaphoto@mindspring.com> wrote:

Dear Go Players,


Andrew Jackson's Single Digit Kyu Class will be starting up this Wednesday, Sept 2, from 7-9 p.m.  Andrew is bursting with new ideas on how he will drag you into the ranks of the dan level players in a few months.  (I didn't run that promise by Andrew, but I'm sure he will agree…)  You can also review classes and catch up ones you missed by going to Andrew's YouTube channel:



In other news, the Thursday Night Beginner's class with Larry Eclipse is on-going.  Our DDK class on Monday nights with Nick Sibicky will start up later this Fall.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] [Godlike] Creating Competent Commandos

On Sun, Aug 30, 2015 at 12:44 AM, John Doe <erikstutzman@hotmail.com> wrote:
Page 344 in my book is a bibliography- I guess we have different editions?

Yeah, that's the old Hobgoblyn Press edition. The latest version has all the stuff I'm talking about. I would strongly encourage getting the PDF - http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/103977/GODLIKE-Superhero-Roleplaying-in-a-World-on-Fire-19361946 - as it's got enough changes and additions to justify the cost.


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Re: [ORE] [Godlike] Creating Competent Commandos

Page 344 in my book is a bibliography- I guess we have different editions?

I always thought the most powerful character would be one who had a high Coordination but not as a hyperstat. For hyperstats one could stick with Brains (extra XP and photographic memory), Cool (extra Will and initiative dice, plus immunity to Mental Stability checks), and Sense (for sniping at truly ridiculous ranges or calling in extremely accurate artillery strikes). Since those stats only affect the character I presume it would take a Zed to shut them down. I suppose Body could be good for carrying objects that can be hurled with excessive force (how much damage could be caused by a marble or ball bearing (for example) thrown by a Body 10 Talent?).

On Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 1:36:52 PM UTC-4, Gil Trevizo wrote:
I've also found that Hyperstats and Hyperskills are unbalanced in comparison to other powers. It is extremely easy to create Pvt. Death Incarnate with enough hard and wiggle dice in Hypercoordination or just a Hyper weapon skill. That said, what's good for the goose is good for the gander, and I've seen all manner of Hyper-powered characters taken out after enough Contest of Wills and/or the odd angry shot to the 10 location.

The custom character creation rules on p.344 have proved useful in mocking up competent commando characters, as is tossing out the "no skill can start higher than the associated stat" rule. The published books ignore that particular rule in creating their own starting characters, so I don't think it's essential as the designers made it out to be.

I've mainly played and run Godlike as one-shots, but I just started a campaign of Black Devils Brigade. One thing I'm noticing is that characters seem to get much more competent through character advancement, especially if the GM is not so stingy with experience points. I haven't run enough yet to make a final decision on that though.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 10:19 AM, Wade Lahoda <wade....@gmail.com> wrote:
Sadly, on a pure effectiveness level, the "smart" move is spending everything on Hyperstats and Hyperskills. They are just ridiculously cost effective in Godlike 1e. Especially since they can also make gaining Will a lot easier, too.

I think a "classic" Godlike character isn't necessarily a super competent commando though. Like, commando skill was tough, but until you actually see enemy action you've got a long ways to go. If you did especially well in commando training, that's plenty of justification for buying up Rifle, Stealth, etc - the TOG package is the minimum, not necessarily the maximum you could invest. And once you're seeing enemy action, hopefully you're improving those stats. ;)

And as for super powers... It seems most characters go one of two routes. Either a really nice "weird" power (like clothes teleportation :) ), or a "Standard" superhero power but with some kind of awkward twist - "I'm invulnerable to conventional weapons, but only against attacks I can see coming, and only while I'm drunk." Both classes of powers are very, very doable on the points allotment in Godlike.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 9:47 AM, Bruce Turner <brucet...@gmail.com> wrote:

One of the time-honored ways to create a more capable starting character is to spend those precious Will points on hyperskills. Of course, just having hard dice in Rifle and Stealth does not make a character immune to bullets, or to the horrors of what he is able to do.


On Aug 11, 2015 10:18 AM, "Shane Ivey" <shane...@gmail.com> wrote:
Those are all deliberate design choices. You can make starting characters more competent, but GODLIKE assumes they start play in over their heads and nowhere near as powerful as they wish. 

You can get a lot of mileage out of flaws. Literally in the case of Flight:
  • Flight 2D+2HD with the flaw Running Start: 18 pts.
  • Super Speed 7D with the flaws Attached to Flight and Slow Braking: 7 pts.
That allows a starting character to fly over 500 mph, and Flight counts as a defense power.

On Tue, Aug 11, 2015 at 7:08 AM, John Doe <erikst...@hotmail.com> wrote:
It seems that to make a competent soldier a player needs to 'game' the system and attempt to justify Rifle, Stealth, etc. in the pre-war days of the character's background. The average kid fresh out of school who is pressed into a TOG groups because he happens to have a Talent is likely going to fumble about with Coordination 2, Rifle 1, Stealth 1 and no Mental Stability (not given in the Commando package, and not every background warrants that skill). 

It also seems that most of the 'fun/cool' Talent powers are simply not feasible due to cost and starting Will. Iconic powers such as Flight and Teleportation are difficult to activate (4-5 dice at most and hope for a match) and the effect is often unspectacular if successful (flying at 30mph isn't especially useful in many situations- especially when the enemy has binoculars).

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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-- Oscar Wilde

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[Seattle Go Center] Andrew J's SDK Class Starts Up on Wed. Sept 2!

Dear Go Players,


Andrew Jackson’s Single Digit Kyu Class will be starting up this Wednesday, Sept 2, from 7-9 p.m.  Andrew is bursting with new ideas on how he will drag you into the ranks of the dan level players in a few months.  (I didn’t run that promise by Andrew, but I’m sure he will agree…)  You can also review classes and catch up ones you missed by going to Andrew’s YouTube channel:



In other news, the Thursday Night Beginner’s class with Larry Eclipse is on-going.  Our DDK class on Monday nights with Nick Sibicky will start up later this Fall.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Regular Saturday this Sat. Aug 29

Dear Go Players,

After the excitement of two workshops in a row, we return to regular Saturdays. We will be open to all from 1-7 pm,and Dennis Wheeler will return as day manager. We should have a good range of players; Peter Nelson 5d will be at the Go Center starting around 2.

Brian Allen


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[ORE] Think I may have gone too far. (sorry about the size of the post)

Hi all,

Am about 6 months into my progenitor game and my players are just meeting one of my major players, but as they have the habit of killing folk before I get to have any fun the NPC will be using his Cosmic Power to create a double for them to interact with. Have pointed it all out but am worried that I am way off base. Advice please.

Many thanks,


D.E. Versatility (6/12/24) 9d + 6HD + 3WD (198)

Qualities: A D U.

Attacks Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Defends Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Useful Extras and Flaws: Endless (+3), Variable Effect (+4); If/Then: Must be used for Variable Effect (–1), If/Then: Created powers must have the "Depleted" Flaw (-1), If/Then: Created powers must have "If/Then: No recharges" flaw (-1), Delayed Effect (-2), Depleted (-2)

Capacities: N/A.

Body Double Powers Set

Teleport to Double 3d + 1WD (No willpower cost cost)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Range (+3), Subtle (+1); If/Then: Can only teleport to location of double (-2), Usual Power Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Range

Puppet Double 2HD (2 Willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Range (+3), Endless (+3); Usual Flaws (-3); If/Then: Only works on Double (-2)

Capacities: Range

Create Double 3d + 1WD (No willpower cost)

Capacities: A+2, D+3, U

Attacks Extras & Flaws: Attached to Useful (-2)

Capacities: Mass

Defends Extras & Flaws: Hardened Armour (+2); Armoured Defence (-2), Attached: to Useful (-2), If/Then: Only for Double (-1)

Capacities: Self

Useful Extras & Flaws: Endless (+3); Delayed Effect (-2), Usual Power Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Range

Flight 2HD (No willpower cost)

Capacities: D+3, U

Defends Extras & Flaws: Go First (+2); Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

Useful Extras & Flaws: Booster: Speed (+4), No Physics (+1); Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Speed

Regeneration 3d + 1WD (No willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Duration (+2), Engulf (+2); Self Only (-3), Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Obvious (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

Extra Tough 2HD (No willpower)

Capacities: U

Useful Extras & Flaws: Endless (+3), Engulf (+2); Self Only (-3), Attached: Create Double (-2), If/Then: Only for double (-1), Usual Flaws (-3)

Capacities: Self

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Re: [ORE] [Wild Talents] Hawkeye's arrows/Ant-man style size shift?

Clearly you want Hawkeye to use his Hyperarchery as the basis of his power. The arrows are just special effects on top of his innate ability to hit things with his bow really good.

So, let's build his quiver of arrows as foci. The key is the Operational Skill extra. You create a dice pool for the focus, and you roll the smaller of the focus' dice pool or the skill dice pool. In this case, you want ​the Hyperarchery to be smaller than the quiver's dice pool. Fortunately you can build the quiver's dice pool with regular dice and still use the Hyperarchery's wiggle dice.

The complication is simulating the depletion nature of the arrows. The Depleted flaw allows you dice in uses and dice in recharges. If you were to put, say, 5 dice in a Depleted power, you'd have a total of 25 uses. That seems fair. However, you get 25 uses per power quality. If each type of arrow has its own quality, you could end up with a ton of reuses. Too many, in fact. You could use the Exhausted flaw instead. That gives you one use of the power quality per scene but then you'd have to buy the power X times for X arrows, and that soon gets too expensive.

My fix for that would be to add an If/Then [Maximum of X Arrows] flaw at -1. I'd set X to something likely, but due to the fact I designed four different types of arrows, setting it to 40 arrows seems reasonable.  

I designed four types of arrows: explosive, stun gas, electric shock, and a grapple arrow (with a very light weight rope attached).

Hawkeye's Arrows 10d
Explosive arrows: Qualities: A. Extras and Flaws: Area (regular dice) +1, Depleted -1, Focus -1, If/Then [Maximum of 40 Arrows] -1, Operational Skill (Archery) 0. Cost: 1 per die.

Stun gas arrows: Qualities: A. Extras and Flaws: Burn +2, Limited Damage -1, Depleted -1, Focus -1, If/Then [Maximum of 40 Arrows] -1, Operational Skill (Archery) 0. Cost: 1 per die.

Electrocution arrows: Qualities: A. Extras and Flaws: Electrocuting +1, Depleted -1, Focus -1, If/Then [Maximum of 40 Arrows] -1, Operational Skill (Archery) 0. Cost: 1 per die.

Grapple arrow: Qualities: U. Extras and Flaws: Depleted -1, Focus -1, If/Then [Maximum of 40 Arrows] -1, Operational Skill (Archery) 0.  Cost: 1 per die.

This gives you four types of arrows for a cost of 1 per die per power, or 40 points. Spend 10d and you get 10 arrows of each type with 10 recharges... but that's backed off to a maximum of 40 arrows. For 10 points, you get Hawkeye with 40 arrows of one type. For 40 points, you get Hawkeye with 40 arrows of up to four types. You could design additional arrows (armour piercing might come in handy) that cost more per die, as each power means Hawkeye has that kind of arrow available. You can flaw the power to make it less commonly available. 

You have to put at least 5d in the arrows so that the number of dice in the arrows dice pool is equal to or greater than the number of dice in the skill dice pool. You could save some points by only purchasing 5d in the dice pool, but then you'd only have 20 arrows, not 40. That's why I would recommend buying the powers at 10d each.

I didn't really optimize the arrows. The grapple arrow in particular could add a +1 extra for the same cost as it hits the minimum 1 point per die lower limit on cost. You might want to add more Area dice to make the explosive arrows way more explosive. If you want Hawkeye to be able to fire multiple arrows at once (something he totally can do), I recommend adding Spray dice to the arrows (which will have the effect of adding to his dice pool, too.)

Hawkeye will need a source for his Hyperarchery, and the Technological source for his arrows (there's another 5 points). He'll also want the Super-Equipment permission to buy all these arrows, and maybe the Mutable intrinsic to buy more types of arrows during play (or the player can just build all the different arrows he's going to have at the beginning with the Super-Equipment permission).

I suggest looking through the focus flaws to see if there are any others you want to add, such as making the arrows manufacturable (and more expensive) or the possibility of someone stealing the arrows/quiver. 

On Wed, Aug 26, 2015 at 12:47 PM, Winstar <markos.bdn@gmail.com> wrote:
So, after an evening of talking with the player who's going to play Hawkeye, we came up with one conclusion: the two of us see trick arrows as an Augment power, but rules say you should roll the smaller pool if you want the extras. We feel the variable effect route is difficult to understand, and that 'logic' says Hawkeye could put virtually any arrow type where he wanted using his

Our first idea was having this:

Coordination 5D

Hyper Skill (archery) 4D + 1WD (never misses unless oponent is actively dodging or has armor, but he's not always able to strike vitals)

Compound Bow W+1 in K

Explosive Arrow (4D)
Augments (+4)
Area (+1)
Depleted (-1)
If/Then (only augments an archery attack roll) (-1)

Same for Electrical, Gas... trick arrows.

Then, for 20p, you could have 4 charges, with 4 recharges, each charge applying Area to your Coordination+Archery roll. It fits the fact Hawkeye gets a shiny cool arrow from his quiver and everything goes boom. But augments work the other way, obviously for balancing raesons (correct me if I'm wrowng, please). Hawkeye would have to roll 4D if he wants an area attack.

At first we used attached. But attached specifies you have to roll separatedly for each power and skill. That would mean, if we understand, that Hawkeye lands a trick arrow with his Coord. + Archery roll and then the arrow would need to roll with it's own pool to activate... the next round. We felt this wasn't portraying trick arrows the correct way so, we changed to Augment.

Is there any way (rule-wise) to build our idea? Something we can't recall that would work the way we want? We know there's an option to use Willpower to get the extras on Augment, and an extra called "No Willpower Cost x2", but that route seems like cheating (and overpaying). We wanted to ask since we're new to the system.

Thanks a lot.

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] [Wild Talents] Hawkeye's arrows/Ant-man style size shift?

So, after an evening of talking with the player who's going to play Hawkeye, we came up with one conclusion: the two of us see trick arrows as an Augment power, but rules say you should roll the smaller pool if you want the extras. We feel the variable effect route is difficult to understand, and that 'logic' says Hawkeye could put virtually any arrow type where he wanted using his

Our first idea was having this:

Coordination 5D

Hyper Skill (archery) 4D + 1WD (never misses unless oponent is actively dodging or has armor, but he's not always able to strike vitals)

Compound Bow W+1 in K

Explosive Arrow (4D)
Augments (+4)
Area (+1)
Depleted (-1)
If/Then (only augments an archery attack roll) (-1)

Same for Electrical, Gas... trick arrows.

Then, for 20p, you could have 4 charges, with 4 recharges, each charge applying Area to your Coordination+Archery roll. It fits the fact Hawkeye gets a shiny cool arrow from his quiver and everything goes boom. But augments work the other way, obviously for balancing raesons (correct me if I'm wrowng, please). Hawkeye would have to roll 4D if he wants an area attack.

At first we used attached. But attached specifies you have to roll separatedly for each power and skill. That would mean, if we understand, that Hawkeye lands a trick arrow with his Coord. + Archery roll and then the arrow would need to roll with it's own pool to activate... the next round. We felt this wasn't portraying trick arrows the correct way so, we changed to Augment.

Is there any way (rule-wise) to build our idea? Something we can't recall that would work the way we want? We know there's an option to use Willpower to get the extras on Augment, and an extra called "No Willpower Cost x2", but that route seems like cheating (and overpaying). We wanted to ask since we're new to the system.

Thanks a lot.

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[Seattle Go Center] Fresh Bread Today! Tues Aug. 25

Dear Go Players,


Our breadmaker, Chris K., has returned from his travels, which included the U.S. Go Congress in Minnesota.  He is baking fresh bread for today, Tuesday, August 25.  We will be open from 1-10 p.m.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[ORE] Re: [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

Got the official reply from Greg Stolze himself, the point gets lost and does not go into the governing Strategy: https://twitter.com/LarrxX/status/636105413566537729

Guess Caleb was being too generous with his players :D

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[ORE] Re: [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

Got the official reply from Greg Stolze himself, the point gets lost and does not go into the governing Strategy: https://twitter.com/LarrxX/status/636105413566537729

Guess Caleb was being too kind to his players ;-)

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Re: [ORE] [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

So, as I suspected, there's no "official" rule on this. So use whatever suits my playstyle.

I'l try to tweet Greg Stolze see if he has something to say about this. Will post his reply here if I get any.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 11:12 PM, Jesse David <jessedavid@gmail.com> wrote:
Caleb Stokes had extra dots in sinister tactics add to sinister strategies (but only for stuff between scenes).  So if you killed someone and your cruelty was already at 5, it added one to Sly.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Blair Monroe <brennanhawkwood@gmail.com> wrote:
My understanding is that if you add point(s) to a tactic or strategy and those points cause the tactic or strategy to go over 5 or the limit imposed by the value of the opposite tactic or strategy then the extra point(s) just go away.  You effectively just loose them.  I think the only time a change to a tactic is applied to its 'parent' Strategy is when you are reducing the number of dots in the tactic (either by sliding or removal).

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:20 AM, LarrxX Ngham <larrxx.ngham@gmail.com> wrote:
Ran my first game yesterday and we hit a small snag: what happens at the end of the scene if your Sinning increases a Tactic over it's maximum of 5 dots (or beyond the overflow with the opposed virtuous tactic)?

The players wanted to overflow into the governing Strategy adding the point there, but I said no (it seems a bit too powerful to me). 

So who was right? :)

Example: If the human's Cruelty is 5 and he kills someone, does he gain a point in Sly instead? 

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Re: [ORE] [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

Caleb Stokes had extra dots in sinister tactics add to sinister strategies (but only for stuff between scenes).  So if you killed someone and your cruelty was already at 5, it added one to Sly.

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:10 PM, Blair Monroe <brennanhawkwood@gmail.com> wrote:
My understanding is that if you add point(s) to a tactic or strategy and those points cause the tactic or strategy to go over 5 or the limit imposed by the value of the opposite tactic or strategy then the extra point(s) just go away.  You effectively just loose them.  I think the only time a change to a tactic is applied to its 'parent' Strategy is when you are reducing the number of dots in the tactic (either by sliding or removal).

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:20 AM, LarrxX Ngham <larrxx.ngham@gmail.com> wrote:
Ran my first game yesterday and we hit a small snag: what happens at the end of the scene if your Sinning increases a Tactic over it's maximum of 5 dots (or beyond the overflow with the opposed virtuous tactic)?

The players wanted to overflow into the governing Strategy adding the point there, but I said no (it seems a bit too powerful to me). 

So who was right? :)

Example: If the human's Cruelty is 5 and he kills someone, does he gain a point in Sly instead? 

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Re: [ORE] [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

My understanding is that if you add point(s) to a tactic or strategy and those points cause the tactic or strategy to go over 5 or the limit imposed by the value of the opposite tactic or strategy then the extra point(s) just go away.  You effectively just loose them.  I think the only time a change to a tactic is applied to its 'parent' Strategy is when you are reducing the number of dots in the tactic (either by sliding or removal).

On Mon, Aug 24, 2015 at 4:20 AM, LarrxX Ngham <larrxx.ngham@gmail.com> wrote:
Ran my first game yesterday and we hit a small snag: what happens at the end of the scene if your Sinning increases a Tactic over it's maximum of 5 dots (or beyond the overflow with the opposed virtuous tactic)?

The players wanted to overflow into the governing Strategy adding the point there, but I said no (it seems a bit too powerful to me). 

So who was right? :)

Example: If the human's Cruelty is 5 and he kills someone, does he gain a point in Sly instead? 

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[ORE] 'No Soul Left Behind' available to everyone!

We are thrilled to report that No Soul Left Behind is available to the ENTIRE WORLD!

Buy it in PDF, paperback, or hardback (or even the fancy premium paperback and hardback) at RPGNow, aka DriveThruRPG.

Or order it in hardback from Indie Press Revolution. If you're a retailer, you can get it here.

Or order it in paperback from Indie Press Revolution. If you're a retailer, you can get it here.

By now of course all Kickstarter backers and playtesters should have their copies, so let us know if you don't! Email shane@arcdream.com with all your details: name, email address, current mailing address, and which book(s) you're still missing.

It's time for your supervillains and their demons to get to school!

Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[ORE] [Better Angles]Sinning to the Max

Ran my first game yesterday and we hit a small snag: what happens at the end of the scene if your Sinning increases a Tactic over it's maximum of 5 dots (or beyond the overflow with the opposed virtuous tactic)?

The players wanted to overflow into the governing Strategy adding the point there, but I said no (it seems a bit too powerful to me). 

So who was right? :)

Example: If the human's Cruelty is 5 and he kills someone, does he gain a point in Sly instead? 

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[Seattle Go Center] Kids and their Puppies Learn to Play Go

The Go center is open today for casual game play from 2pm - 9pm.
Beginner lessons (30kyu - 20 kyu) are from 6:30 - 9pm.

I'm thinking of  creating viral YouTube videos of kids and their puppies learning to play go. Any volunteers?

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Re: [ORE] Re: [Better Angels]Open and Sly ping pong, how does it work?

If your Open or Sly are down to zero and you keep getting hit with attacks that target the zeroed strategy that are only strong enough to slide a dot over to the other one, then I would think that you are correct about this working before you are down to your last dot.  It is talked about in context of hosts not dying until they run out of both Open and Sly, but I don't see anything saying you have to be down to one dot between them before the hits against the empty one get applied to its opposite.

On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 1:13 PM, LarrxX Ngham <larrxx.ngham@gmail.com> wrote:
That's what I figured, even though it seems counter intuitive. So if I need to slide a point off Open into Sly, and Open is empty, then I slide a point off Sly into Open instead?!  You can ping pong at any level like this, not just the last point. Or does this work only for the last point?

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Re: [ORE] Re: [Better Angels]Open and Sly ping pong, how does it work?

That's what I figured, even though it seems counter intuitive. So if I need to slide a point off Open into Sly, and Open is empty, then I slide a point off Sly into Open instead?! You can ping pong at any level like this, not just the last point. Or does this work only for the last point?

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[Seattle Go Center] Thai and Korean food this Tues 8-18

Dear Go Players,


Today, Tuesday, Aug. 18, we will be open from 1-10 p.m.  Chris, our bread maker, is still traveling, last seen in Wyoming.  But we do have plenty of leftovers from last night’s Teacher’s Dinner: Pad Thai, Japchae with beef, Seafood Soondubu (soft tofu dish), plus two kinds of rice.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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