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Re: [ORE] Power question

Haha! Yeah totally!

A Walkman?!?! Ugh! Where did I put my iPod?

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[Seattle Go Center] Summer Class Schedule Similar to Spring

Dear Go Players,


Our classes in June and July will basically follow the same schedule as in the spring.   August will have fewer classes, but plenty of special events.  Usually we have pros visiting Seattle before and after the National Go Congress, which will be in San Diego Aug 5 – 12.   Already we have scheduled Maeda Ryo 6P and  Kang Min Hoo 2P for simultaneous games at the Go Center on Tuesday, Aug. 1.


Nick Sibicky will continue to teach the Double Digit Kyu Player (DDK) class in June; we will have guest teachers in July.  This is on Mondays at 6:30 p.m.  So if you want to be in the live audience for one Nick’s Youtube lectures, you have 4 more classes before he takes a summer break.  By the way, here is a link to Nick’s Youtube channel:



The Single Digit Kyu Player (SDK) class  will continue on Wednesdays, at 7:00 p.m.  This class is mostly taught by Peter Nelson 5d.  In addition to giving presentations, Peter is very willing to review games.  He usually has a computer and digital projector set up, so if you send him a .sgf file, he can project it.  Andrew Jackson will be teaching some nights as well. Andrew did a great job as a Go Commentator during the recent AlphaGo Games.  You can find those games on the DeepMind Youtube Channel:



Thursday nights, starting at 6:30, will continue to have beginner’s instruction with Larry Eclipse.  Larry reports that this is turning into a couple’s night.  On May 18, he taught 3 pairs of beginners.


We hope to see you soon!





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] Power question

If you roll poorly is this the same as your Dragon Horde summoning a iPhone3, to which your character says something like "seriously, this was so like 5 years ago!"  Or whatever.

Loving the idea though.

On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 1:55 AM matt <iamafrayed@gmail.com> wrote:
I like that idea!
Yay! I'm going to use it.

I forgot to add the Mass capacity in the original post.

In my head I was thinking of a weight limit of 5-10 lbs. Like he could conjure cell phones, jewelry, black titanium VISA cards, or some other such nonsense. 

(This was a PC i had in Champions back in the day. He had merged with a dragon and his summon rich guys items power was the special effect of his DRAGON HORDE.)

Thank you to you and Wade for the replies.

On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 1:30:50 PM UTC-7, Allan Goodall wrote:
The A and D qualities are so that you can use your power's dice pool in an attack or defense. 

For a "rich guy can conjure anything" power to need, say, an Attack, it would have to be something like pulling out your phone, pressing a button, and suddenly your opponent is attacked by the black stealth helicopter that always follows you around, because you're that rich you can afford to have a fleet of protective helicopters following you 24/7.

You don't need that for a power that just acquires things, even if those things are, themselves, weapons. 

There is, however, the matter of capacity. Something like a "conjure anything" power usually has the mass capacity. Your dice pool would limit the mass of the objects you could conjure. But that's not really applicable to your power, is it? Your power is limited by "wealth", not "mass". A pallet of paving stones is a whole lot more massive than a Patek Philippe watch, but my own bank account could only afford one of those (hint: it's not the watch) and even then probably not with overnight delivery. 

I would recommend that you design the power around a specialized capacity, with your GM's permission of course. Make the capacity "wealth", "cost", "monetary value", "bucks" or something. Then come up with a scale that maps the number of dice in your pool to the capacity.

I'd recommend  1d = $1,000, 2d = $2,000, 3d = $4,000, 4d = $8,000, 5d = $16,000, 6d = $32,000, 7d = $64,000, 8d = $128,000, 9d = $256,000, 10d = $512,000. That progression is the same as the other capacities: the 10d capacity is 512x the 1d capacity. That puts you on the same relative capacity scale of a speedster or a teleporter.

Let's see, that would be 2d to conjure up a half decent laptop, 3d for a business class ticket anywhere, 4d for a motorcycle, 5d for a compact car, 6d for an SUV, 7d for a Stinger missile, 8d to charter a private jet anywhere (or a top of the line Hellfire missile), 9d to charter a yacht in the Caribbean for a week, and 10d for a suburban home (as a safe house, of course; you wouldn't live there).

And, yeah, half a million is still kind of limiting (as it should be; it's a really cheap power), so you'll need between 2 and 4 levels of Booster to get up to the filthy rich category.

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 10:44 AM, matt <iamaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
He wouldn't attack with the power. If he summoned a gun he could use that to attack. I was thinking that was why to have those qualities. But I can understand getting rid of those qualities.

Thanks for the reply.

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] Power question

I like that idea!
Yay! I'm going to use it.

I forgot to add the Mass capacity in the original post.

In my head I was thinking of a weight limit of 5-10 lbs. Like he could conjure cell phones, jewelry, black titanium VISA cards, or some other such nonsense. 

(This was a PC i had in Champions back in the day. He had merged with a dragon and his summon rich guys items power was the special effect of his DRAGON HORDE.)

Thank you to you and Wade for the replies.

On Tuesday, May 30, 2017 at 1:30:50 PM UTC-7, Allan Goodall wrote:
The A and D qualities are so that you can use your power's dice pool in an attack or defense. 

For a "rich guy can conjure anything" power to need, say, an Attack, it would have to be something like pulling out your phone, pressing a button, and suddenly your opponent is attacked by the black stealth helicopter that always follows you around, because you're that rich you can afford to have a fleet of protective helicopters following you 24/7.

You don't need that for a power that just acquires things, even if those things are, themselves, weapons. 

There is, however, the matter of capacity. Something like a "conjure anything" power usually has the mass capacity. Your dice pool would limit the mass of the objects you could conjure. But that's not really applicable to your power, is it? Your power is limited by "wealth", not "mass". A pallet of paving stones is a whole lot more massive than a Patek Philippe watch, but my own bank account could only afford one of those (hint: it's not the watch) and even then probably not with overnight delivery. 

I would recommend that you design the power around a specialized capacity, with your GM's permission of course. Make the capacity "wealth", "cost", "monetary value", "bucks" or something. Then come up with a scale that maps the number of dice in your pool to the capacity.

I'd recommend  1d = $1,000, 2d = $2,000, 3d = $4,000, 4d = $8,000, 5d = $16,000, 6d = $32,000, 7d = $64,000, 8d = $128,000, 9d = $256,000, 10d = $512,000. That progression is the same as the other capacities: the 10d capacity is 512x the 1d capacity. That puts you on the same relative capacity scale of a speedster or a teleporter.

Let's see, that would be 2d to conjure up a half decent laptop, 3d for a business class ticket anywhere, 4d for a motorcycle, 5d for a compact car, 6d for an SUV, 7d for a Stinger missile, 8d to charter a private jet anywhere (or a top of the line Hellfire missile), 9d to charter a yacht in the Caribbean for a week, and 10d for a suburban home (as a safe house, of course; you wouldn't live there).

And, yeah, half a million is still kind of limiting (as it should be; it's a really cheap power), so you'll need between 2 and 4 levels of Booster to get up to the filthy rich category.

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 10:44 AM, matt <iamaf...@gmail.com> wrote:
He wouldn't attack with the power. If he summoned a gun he could use that to attack. I was thinking that was why to have those qualities. But I can understand getting rid of those qualities.

Thanks for the reply.

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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Re: [ORE] Re: Question on how Duration interacts with certain Extras

If I recall correctly, there are two possibilities for Augment:

You add the dice but ignore any Extras that the two Qualities don't share.


You combine the Extras of both Qualities, but take the lower of the two dice pools.

Everything I Hold Is Sharper A+3 10d
Attacks: Augment +4, Attacks +3, Touch Only -2, Deadly +1

If you wanted to add dice to a knife attack with 5d, you can ignore the Attacks +3 quality for Touch Only -2, Deadly +1 (the same as a knife attack!) and add 10 dice for a whopping total of 10d + 5d of penalty cancellation.

If you wanted to enhance your attack, you can take 5d (the lower of the two pools) and add +3 damage to successful attacks and make your attack do Shock + Killing damage.

The same applies to any other Extras. You don't get to add dice to a Power Quality with Duration +2 unless your Augments Quality has Duration +2.  You can use an Augment Quality with Duration +2 to add the Extra to another Quality of the same type, but at the cost of (again) using the smaller dice pool.

Is that helpful?

-- Daniel

On Sun, May 28, 2017 at 9:03 PM, William Seaton <wsolf619@gmail.com> wrote:
Huh. Nearly two years since last time I asked something regard Duration. Sorry for resurrecting this one. This is an add-on to my original question, so it made sense. Was going over Duration again and how Augment interacts with it, I'm wondering if this interpretation of how it works is correct:

Based on what Shaun suggested before, setting the dice of the Augment/Duration power that were rolled aside, and merely adding them to the power your augmenting each Roll Phase.

If that's not correct, I'm curious what would be, since rolling the Augmented/Duration power dice each time along with the power your Augmenting, then Duration is a useless Extra. Granted, I might be missing something, but the above is the only way I can see those two interacting at all.

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 07:01:03 UTC+1, William Seaton wrote:
I'm trying to understand how Duration, or it's sibling Extras, interact with with a couple of other Extras, specifically Interference  and Depleted. This is also all in relation to a Defends power. 

Just reading the bit on Duration, do you have to roll each round when using Interference, each time when defending against an Attack or when? The description is a bit confusing there. 

The next is simpler. Depleted states each attempt to use the power uses a charge. So using a Defends power with Duration and Depleted, does that use a charge each time it tries to defend against an attack, or just when the power is activated?

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Re: [ORE] Power question

The A and D qualities are so that you can use your power's dice pool in an attack or defense. 

For a "rich guy can conjure anything" power to need, say, an Attack, it would have to be something like pulling out your phone, pressing a button, and suddenly your opponent is attacked by the black stealth helicopter that always follows you around, because you're that rich you can afford to have a fleet of protective helicopters following you 24/7.

You don't need that for a power that just acquires things, even if those things are, themselves, weapons. 

There is, however, the matter of capacity. Something like a "conjure anything" power usually has the mass capacity. Your dice pool would limit the mass of the objects you could conjure. But that's not really applicable to your power, is it? Your power is limited by "wealth", not "mass". A pallet of paving stones is a whole lot more massive than a Patek Philippe watch, but my own bank account could only afford one of those (hint: it's not the watch) and even then probably not with overnight delivery. 

I would recommend that you design the power around a specialized capacity, with your GM's permission of course. Make the capacity "wealth", "cost", "monetary value", "bucks" or something. Then come up with a scale that maps the number of dice in your pool to the capacity.

I'd recommend  1d = $1,000, 2d = $2,000, 3d = $4,000, 4d = $8,000, 5d = $16,000, 6d = $32,000, 7d = $64,000, 8d = $128,000, 9d = $256,000, 10d = $512,000. That progression is the same as the other capacities: the 10d capacity is 512x the 1d capacity. That puts you on the same relative capacity scale of a speedster or a teleporter.

Let's see, that would be 2d to conjure up a half decent laptop, 3d for a business class ticket anywhere, 4d for a motorcycle, 5d for a compact car, 6d for an SUV, 7d for a Stinger missile, 8d to charter a private jet anywhere (or a top of the line Hellfire missile), 9d to charter a yacht in the Caribbean for a week, and 10d for a suburban home (as a safe house, of course; you wouldn't live there).

And, yeah, half a million is still kind of limiting (as it should be; it's a really cheap power), so you'll need between 2 and 4 levels of Booster to get up to the filthy rich category.

On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 10:44 AM, matt <iamafrayed@gmail.com> wrote:
He wouldn't attack with the power. If he summoned a gun he could use that to attack. I was thinking that was why to have those qualities. But I can understand getting rid of those qualities.

Thanks for the reply.

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Allan Goodall            http://www.hyperbear.com

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[Seattle Go Center] Surrounding Game Movie Premiere July 31 at the Varsity

Dear Go Players,


Mark your calendars!  The Seattle Premiere of “The Surrounding Game” has been set for July 31 at the Varsity Theatre on University Way.  THE SURROUNDING GAME is a full length documentary that follows the lives of three young Americans vying to become the first-ever Western professional players.  Visiting pro Maeda Ryo 6P, a longtime friend of U.S. Go players, will give a short introduction.  This will be a fundraiser for the Seattle Go Center.  Ticket price will be $5, but larger donations will be very welcome…






Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

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[Seattle Go Center] Volunteer needed to help with ladder in daytime

Dear Members,


I am looking for a volunteer to help me move the 24’ extension ladder from the front roof to outside, and then help me set it up.  I’d also like them to guard the ladder while I climb it to check a couple of things on the outside of the building.  The whole project should take about two hours, including returning the ladder.  Good days for me are this Wednesday, May 31; Thursday, June 1 (start by noon); or Friday, June 2.






Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] Power question

He wouldn't attack with the power. If he summoned a gun he could use that to attack. I was thinking that was why to have those qualities. But I can understand getting rid of those qualities.

Thanks for the reply.

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[Seattle Go Center] Monday Night

Hi everyone,

The go center is open today from now until 8:30.  There will not be a lecture today, but everyone is welcome to come and play games or review each other's games. 

Nick Wilmes

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Re: [ORE] Power question

Can he attack or defend directly with the power? As in, rolling that power's die pool? Or does he just create objects that he can then use to attack or defend?

If he is never rolling the power's die pool to Attack or Defend, you can drop those qualities.

It seems like it'd be pretty reasonable to add an If/Then of "If/Then (Only to Create Objects That Could Be Bought)" type of restriction.

On Mon, May 29, 2017 at 12:55 PM, matt <iamafrayed@gmail.com> wrote:
I want to have a power that creates things. It's the special effect of a SUPER RICH character.
Like creating a gift card with $1000 on it or a beer or pizza or a gun or medicine.
I'm thinking:
Create Objects U, A, D
Create an object, variable effect, permanent

Does that sound right?

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"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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[ORE] Power question

I want to have a power that creates things. It's the special effect of a SUPER RICH character.
Like creating a gift card with $1000 on it or a beer or pizza or a gun or medicine.
I'm thinking:
Create Objects U, A, D
Create an object, variable effect, permanent

Does that sound right?

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[ORE] Re: Question on how Duration interacts with certain Extras

Huh. Nearly two years since last time I asked something regard Duration. Sorry for resurrecting this one. This is an add-on to my original question, so it made sense. Was going over Duration again and how Augment interacts with it, I'm wondering if this interpretation of how it works is correct:

Based on what Shaun suggested before, setting the dice of the Augment/Duration power that were rolled aside, and merely adding them to the power your augmenting each Roll Phase.

If that's not correct, I'm curious what would be, since rolling the Augmented/Duration power dice each time along with the power your Augmenting, then Duration is a useless Extra. Granted, I might be missing something, but the above is the only way I can see those two interacting at all.

On Thursday, 11 June 2015 07:01:03 UTC+1, William Seaton wrote:
I'm trying to understand how Duration, or it's sibling Extras, interact with with a couple of other Extras, specifically Interference  and Depleted. This is also all in relation to a Defends power. 

Just reading the bit on Duration, do you have to roll each round when using Interference, each time when defending against an Attack or when? The description is a bit confusing there. 

The next is simpler. Depleted states each attempt to use the power uses a charge. So using a Defends power with Duration and Depleted, does that use a charge each time it tries to defend against an attack, or just when the power is activated?

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[Seattle Go Center] Monday, Memorial Day: Schedule

Dear Go Players,


The Go Center will be open Monday night, May 29, from 6:30 -8:30 or a bit later, but we do not have a lecture planned.  Nick Sibicky is fighting off a cold.

We will not be doing the meetup at Hurry Curry, because of the holiday.

I don’t know if the Go group at Zoka’s is meeting Monday morning.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

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[Seattle Go Center] AlphaGo Game 3 tonight!

Hi everyone,

Tonight is the night of game 3 between Ke Jie and AlphaGo.  Will Ke Jie be able to overcome the possible new computer overlords?  Will AlphaGo come up with even more interesting moves that will leave us all scratching our heads?  Come and join us to find out.  If the last 2 games are anything to go by, we should have an exciting game to watch tonight!

I will be at the Go Center around 4 to open up, so if you want to come early to get in a game or review the previous games before hand you are more than welcome to.

There will be food tonight for the viewing as well, thanks to the AGA.  I will take a count at 6:30 to see how many people we have and what we will order.  The default is pizza, but if people are interested in something else we can switch it up.  The only requirements are that it delivers and fits within our budget.

Also, Brian was able to get us a permit for tonight so that we can have beer and wine for the showing!  We are not allowed to sell it so it's a bring your own setup.  The rules for the evening are as follows:
 - Please drink responsibly.  Remember that this is open to families as well so we want to keep it appropriate for all ages.
 - If you plan on drinking, please have a designated driver planned (bus drivers count).  If you feel like you need a ride home but don't have a way, we can always call a cab for you.
 - If bring some to share, great! Just make sure everyone you share with is over 21.

See you soon!

Nick Wilmes

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Re: [Seattle Go Center] AlphaGo Events Continue Le grande bouffe

For Thursday night's repast  , I'm hoping to start with an appetizer of Champignon Portabella aux Quatre Fromages and Escargots Bourguignon followed by Saldade Douce et Amère. There might be a choice of entrees: Moules Marinères  à la Crème avec  Pommes Frites or Filet de Boeuf aux Morilles or Carre d'Agneau. And for dessert there might be Poire à la Beaujolais.
Of course all this depends on whether Le Pichet  delivers and if I can come in under budget. Otherwise there will be Kraft macaroni  and fromage and Spam on caquers de Ritz.

Sent from my iPad

On May 23, 2017, at 11:17 PM, Brian Allen <manager@seattlego.org> wrote:

Dear Go Players,


On Wednesday night, May 24, the Go Center will be watching the second AlaphaGo/Ke Jie (machine vs human) game after Peter Nelson's SDK class, which starts at 7:00 p.m.  We will probably be open late, depending on the stamina of our volunteers.  The Monday game ran until about midnight.


On Thursday night, the broadcasts from China start earlier, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  They include pair Go (human and computer vs human and computer) and team Go (humans vs computer)

Thanks to the AGA (American Go Association) rewards program, there will be free takeout food to share.  Larry E will be the manager, and choose the food.  We will be open late.


On Friday, the last game between Ke Jie and AlphaGo will be played.  The broadcast starts at 6:30.  There will be takeout food to share (perhaps pizza).  We have also gotten a banquet permit for the evening; you may bring beer, wine and sake to share.  Nick Wilmes will be the host, and we will be open late.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] AlphaGo Events Continue

Dear Go Players,


On Wednesday night, May 24, the Go Center will be watching the second AlaphaGo/Ke Jie (machine vs human) game after Peter Nelson’s SDK class, which starts at 7:00 p.m.  We will probably be open late, depending on the stamina of our volunteers.  The Monday game ran until about midnight.


On Thursday night, the broadcasts from China start earlier, beginning at 5:30 p.m.  They include pair Go (human and computer vs human and computer) and team Go (humans vs computer)

Thanks to the AGA (American Go Association) rewards program, there will be free takeout food to share.  Larry E will be the manager, and choose the food.  We will be open late.


On Friday, the last game between Ke Jie and AlphaGo will be played.  The broadcast starts at 6:30.  There will be takeout food to share (perhaps pizza).  We have also gotten a banquet permit for the evening; you may bring beer, wine and sake to share.  Nick Wilmes will be the host, and we will be open late.





Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Wednesday Volunteer needed for Uwajimaya

Dear Go Teachers,


We need a host for this week’s Wednesday Night Outreach at Uwajimaya in the International District, from  6-8 pm, May 24.  Dennis can’t do it this week.  Please contact me if you can help out!




Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Free Pizza and AlphaGo all week

Dear Go Players,


As Nick wrote earlier today, we will be watching the broadcast of the first AlphaGo/Ke Jie (Machine vs Man) game tonight, after Nick’s class.  The first moves are at 7:30 Seattle time, but usually it takes a while for these long games to develop.  Thanks to the American Go Association’s Chapter Rewards program, we will provide free pizza, coming around 8:30 or 9:00 p.m.


There will be free pizza at our other AlphaGo events as well.


If you can’t make it over to the Go Center, you can watch the game online, starting around 7:30 Seattle time.

The official DeepMind (AlphaGo) youtube site is



Reliable sources tell me that commentary will also be on the AGA youtube site, starting around 9 pm Seattle time, although I haven’t found an official notice of that.







Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Ke Jie (And then....ALPHA GO!)

Hey Everyone-
So in case you haven't heard, later tonight is the first match in a series between the world's #1 Go Player, Ke Jie, and Alpha Go. Brian Kirby has volunteered to keep  the Go Center open to people who would like to watch the game live, but before that I will be hosting my normal DDK class at its normal time. During which, I will be reviewing one of Ke Jie's games on the big board. Don't miss out!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] Spring Tournament has been rated

Dear Go Players,


The Spring Tournament has been rated by the American Go Association.  You can look at a graph of your rating by going to:  http://agagd.usgo.org/






Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Meet-ups from Bellingham to Bellevue to Olympia

Dear Go Players,


If next week’s AlphaGo/Ke Jie games have you fired up to meet with other Go players, and talk about these remarkable changes to our ancient game, don’t forget all the clubs and meetups that happen weekly in our region.  Look at all the spots in Western Washington where people get together to play go:




If you have new information about one of these groups, please share it with me.  Here are a couple of reports:  The Thursday group at Couth Buzzard is attracting families.  Some members play Go, others play other games.  Dan Top is back at Hurry Curry on Mondays.  Last week two families visited.







Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] AlphaGo Watch Parties Next Week May 22-26

Dear Go Players,


Next week, we will be open late to watch the AlphaGo games and events being broadcast live from China with our digital projector.  And yes, we will have free pizza and other take-out provided by the AGA Chapter Rewards program.  Last year, we had over 50 people watching the first AlphaGo game with Lee Sedol.  The three games between top Chinese player Ke Jie and AlphaGo are on Monday evening, May 22nd, Wednesday evening, May 24th, and Friday evening, May 26th.  The games begin at 7:30 p.m. our time, but since these games have long time periods, the commentary may not begin until sometime around 9 or 10 p.m.  (By the way, we are getting these schedules from the Korean site BadukTV.   http://www.tvbaduk.com/info/schedule.asp    I do not have specific information on how the English commentary will be presented, but I expect it will be on the AGA youtube channel.  https://www.youtube.com/user/USGOWeb )


On Tuesday evening, there will be an “Artificial Intelligence” Open Forum/Summit, starting at 6 p.m. our time.  We will be projecting that as well.  And on Thursday, there will be Pair and Team Events, starting at 5:30 p.m.  We will show that too.  Our calendar is at http://www.seattlego.org/events/


These games usually run late, often past midnight.  If you are volunteer with a building key, and you can host one of these late nights, please contact me. 


We hope to see you next week.  This is a good time for our Eastside friends to visit; they can come over after rush hour and still see the game, since it goes so late.







Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Robot Vacuum Cleaner for Go Center?

Dear Members,

We would like to test a robot vacuum cleaner at the Go Center, to see if it makes sense to buy one. Does anybody have a
a Roomba or Eufy RoboVac that we could try out?


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[Seattle Go Center] Thursday Volunteer needed

Dear Go Players,

Our volunteer Rodney will be spending some time in Florida, so we need a new day manager for Thursdays, from 2-6 p.m.
Of course, we are open to scheduling multiple volunteers to share the load. Thursdays are sometimes slow, so you can
get some studying in. Note that one of our Thursday volunteers, Lucy Lu Wang, went from 13 kyu to 4 kyu in one year.
Of course she was studying on other days as well, and taking lessons too, but Thursday at the Go Center was part of her

Please contact me if you are interested. I will be at the Go Center this Thursday as well.


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Bent Four in the Corner

Hey Everyone-
This Monday's DDK class will be a bit shorter than the usual lecture, but will discuss something that every Go player needs to understand: the Bent Four in the Corner shape. This shape is treated differently under different rule sets, and we will look at the differences between them as well as some other practical applications. There will be time for some games after the lesson. I hope to see you there!

Nick Sibicky 4D 
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] May 7 Spring Tournament Report

Dear Members,


Last Sunday, our Spring Tournament was well attended, with 35 players, including 12 youth.  We had visitors from both British Columbia, and Florida.  As usual, the Open Section was limited to the top 8 players.  Xinlei (Alex) Liu won in the Open Section, with Edward Kim 7d placing second.  Before the tournament, Alex’s AGA rating was 6.6 dan. 


In the Handicapped Sections, Lucy Lu Wang was undefeated in the top section, playing as a 4K.  She has been improving rapidly; last May her AGA rating was 13K. Wesley Chang placed 2nd in this section.  We had a lot of players between 10K and 13K, so they got their own section.  Math Grad Student Nathan Saritzky placed first, and young Yulissa Wu Lu placed second.  In the 15K to 30K range, Hans Shim, who is learning Go with his son Darin Shim, placed first, and Emma Huang placed second. 


We have Youth Prizes at all our major tournaments.  At the Spring Tournament, the top Youth Prize went to Emma Huang.  Second place went to Steve Ling, and third place to Yulissa Wu.  Thanks to our Tournament Directors Bill Chiles and Daniel Top, who kept the large tournament running smoothly.


Our next major tournament will be the Anniversary Tournament on October 1.






Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] Canadian Open in Vancouver B.C. July 1-3

Dear Members,

At the Spring Tournament, we had the pleasure of meeting Wesley Chang, who came down from British Columbia for
our event. He sends us this information:

I just want to pass along some info from Canada Go Association, if you haven't known already. CGA hosts an online
league on KGS that plays 6 rounds/year. Each round lasts about two months. You'll have to register as CGA member
first but the registration is free. There's a nice spread of different levels of players too:


Also, the 40th Canadian Open will be hosted in Vancouver this year, from July 1st to 3rd. Nothing like US Go Congress,
but it's incredibly affordable this year ($45/$65 CDN) due to free venue sponsor. Perhaps players from Seattle area
would be interested to drive up for a July 4th Go weekend? :)

{Brian's note: and that's Canadian dollars, so that would be about $33/$48 U.S. dollars.}


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: So...5th-line extensions are good now?!?

Hey Go Fans-

I thought we'd do another pro game review tomorrow night. I recently saw a Mi Yuting game where he played a 5th-line extension on his side of the board at move #20 into the game. This is pretty remarkable, and generally I yell at my students when they do this, but Mi Yuting makes it work fabulously. Come see how he does it!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] Thanks to our volunteers!

Dear Members,


I’m pleased to report that we have had enough volunteers for all our recent outreach and Go class events.  The big events were the Sakura Con Anime and Manga event, April 14-16, and then the Cherry Blossom Festival of Japanese Culture,  April 21-23.  Two volunteers, John Richards and David Snow, put in a total of more than 70 hours  at the two events.  Many other Go Center members contributed as well, with at least 15 volunteers giving instruction and playing teaching games at Sakura Con.  Dennis Wheeler kept the Go Center open on Saturday April 15, and then spent the rest of the weekend at Sakura Con, while Dan Top ran the 13x13 Tournament. On the Tuesday following the Cherry Blossom Festival, 6 new players came to the Seattle Go Center, showing that we had made some new friends.


But we have more projects.  Lee Anne, Leslie and Ben Z are teaching a class (in English) at the Korean school that meets at Tyee Middle School in Bellevue on Friday evenings.  Peter K. helped out with that yesterday. And Sonny Cho and David Snow are teaching a class at the Northwest Chinese School on Saturdays.  We also taught a class of students from Ocosta High School in Westport WA, who were visiting Seattle for the day.  We have a visit from students at the Bush School planned for Monday.  And Lee Anne and Lucy will be at the Multicultural Fair at Brier Terrace Middle School in Edmonds this afternoon.  Thanks to all!






Brian  Allen

General Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 370-1069 (Cell Phone)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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[Seattle Go Center] One more teacher needed for Friday and another for Sat

Dear Go Center Teachers,

Lee Anne would like an assistant at two different events this week. On Friday, she needs a third teacher for the Go
(baduk) class at the Korean school in Bellevue. She can give you a ride (pickup at the Go Center around 4:30, return
around 7:30).

On Saturday, she is doing outreach at the Multicultural Fair at Brier Terrace Middle School in Edmonds. She could pick
you up at the Go Center around 2:00, return around 7:00.

Please let me know if you are interested.

Brian Allen

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[Seattle Go Center] Spring tournament this Sunday

Dear Go Players,

Here's a friendly reminder that our Spring Tournament will be this Sunday, May 7. This is one of our three big
tournaments of the year -- there will be cash prizes, plus book prizes and equipment prizes. Special prizes for youth. A
great way to play some intense Go face to face. 3 rounds, Japanese rules.

Entry fee: $10 general admission, $5 youth and voting members. Registration is from 10 -10:45 sharp. First round 11:00
am, second round 1:30 pm, third round 3:30 pm.

This is an American Go Association rated tournament, and AGA membership is required; please make sure your
membership is current. More info on membership at www.usgo.org If your first game runs long, you do not have much
time for lunch. We recommend that you bring food to the Go Center, rather than planning on going out to get lunch.

Brian Allen

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