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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

I stand corrected - I missed the implications of Radius.


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:57 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
No, but if he drops a Radius attack, it fills the radius. Without Controlled Effect, it attacks everyone in the Radius. If the center of the radius is in touch range, it is going to hit the attacker. So, he will attack himself if he uses his Touch-range Radius attack. If it is just a Touch-range attack, there's no problem. It's when you tack on Radius that you have to worry.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
Paul, do you demand that a PC who can shoot flames from his hands (Attacks plus Burns) has to buy Immunity [flames]? This seems a bit too rules-lawerly to me. And I could easily see a Pyrokinetic who can create flames with his mind or ignite objects but who could still be burned by fire. In the latter case, would I have to buy Harm, and Immunity [flames] with and If/Then (only his own flames if they happen to shoot out their body's immediate vicinity)? Again, too picky for my tastes.    


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

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Re: [ORE] Re: [Progenitor] Brainstorm some powers for small children?

I wouldn't worry too much about it making sense. If your players are anything like mine, they will only require the flimsiest of justifications if something is cool enough. I had thought about having one be a hyperbrain, but wasn't sold on it until your example sentence. I personally would want to play in a game with that kind of character.

On Friday, May 31, 2013 2:52:50 PM UTC-5, Wade wrote:

Man, these are some sweet ideas thus far. :)

I'm wondering if it might not make sense to make the five yearold a hyperbrain, and am trying to decide if that means going with a freakish prodigy child who has a terrible intellect but still childish immaturity...or instead actually have them have the maturity and sense of someone decades older than them. Maybe combined with an understanding that their body chemistry can't necessarily keep up with their intellect "I am feeling extremely emotional right now - I recognize it is because I have not yet had a nap, which I require to keep an emotional equilibrium. I will need to have naptime before I can ponder this question from a balanced perspective. Ninite!"

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Charles Coleman <bigglesa...@gmail.com> wrote:
One could have the power of MINE - an object that they desire is in their hand.

Also - apparently very young children do not understand that things (people / objects) exist outside of their vision... nothing good comes of this idea - ignore

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Darryl Green <prio...@gmail.com> wrote:
I like the other suggestions, but I wanna make some anyway.

For the 2-year-old, intangibility or teleportation might also be appropriate for the desire to explore absolutely everything.

For the 4-year-old, you have a character that was the baby, but then had it ripped away from him twice. HyperCharm/HyperCommand for a sort of "look at me!" approach.

For the 5-year-old, I know you said she was sensible, but how many girls that age don't want to be a princess? A combination of emotional control that can only be used on men (Prince Charmings) and the ability to make everything around her prettier and more cartoon-like and you have an annoying power-set that gets even worse as she gets older. The ability to control animals, Snow White style, can be added for taste.

On Friday, May 31, 2013 6:07:49 AM UTC-5, Wade wrote:
So, I just started running Progenitor...  Every early days of the contagion, the PCs are a group of protesters who catch the super from Johnson at a speech they're protesting. One of the player characters ends up being a mind controller, and has a baby-sitting gig - where she inadvertantly uses her powers to keep the four little brats calm.

Of course, I roll it out, and she infects all four of them with the super.

Any suggestions on powers for a bunch of Tier 4 toddlers?  We've got a baby girl, a two year old boy (which is a terror for trying to climb stuff and get into things, etc), a four year old boy, and a more sensible five year old girl. I suspect if they don't *kill* her inadvertently, between the four of them they'll also probably pretty quickly infect their mom, a young woman whose husband is an Army Lieutenant currently overseas.

I suspect having a whole family with four tier 4 kids and a tier 5 mom will have a pretty big impact on things early on...but I need powers for the kids. ;)

(I'm thinking, for the mom, who has been portrayed as very harried and desperate for relief from the stresses of looking after four young children by herself, I'll give her some kind of self-duplicating power, possibly with a "Power of No" style power where if she shouts NO loudly enough she can stop, well, anything, if she's got the points for it)

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

On p. 122 of WT2E, under Area, it says, "With Defends or Useful, Area has no range unless you take the Power Capacity (Range) Extra, so make sure you have some way to resist the damage yourself." On p. 129, under Radius, it says, "Your Miracle affects all possible targets within a 10-yard (10-meter) sphere around the point where it takes effect." So unless the character is not a possible target of his own power - and nowhere in the book does it say you can't attack yourself - he will be affected by his own Touch Radius attack. 

The quote under Area strongly implies that you are not immune to the effects of your own powers. You could make the argument that the lack of immunity only applies to the dice of Area damage, but since there is no mention elsewhere of a base immunity, I would take this as what it is: a logical outcome of the lack of basic immunity to your own powers. 

Now, it is perfectly acceptable to say that every character has 2HD in Immunity (Own Powers). Just give everybody an extra 12 points and make it a Mandatory Power of all archetypes. 

Sent from my iPad

On May 31, 2013, at 8:17 PM, Matt <moeheid@gmail.com> wrote:

Near as I can tell immunity to ones own powers is assumed in WT2EE which is, I think, the core rules. But I'm AFB so I can't be sure. Now, it may destroy the building he's in, leave him standing in a puddle of mighty hot melted concrete etc, and those would require some protection, but the eruption of flames wouldn't harm him. 

-Matt Conlon

On May 31, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:

Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Near as I can tell immunity to ones own powers is assumed in WT2EE which is, I think, the core rules. But I'm AFB so I can't be sure. Now, it may destroy the building he's in, leave him standing in a puddle of mighty hot melted concrete etc, and those would require some protection, but the eruption of flames wouldn't harm him. 

-Matt Conlon

On May 31, 2013, at 12:51 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:

Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Ahhh, forgot Duration. Yeah, duration should definitely be in there, since it is meant to be an activate once and then it is up for the scene or whatever.

It should probably have Speeding Bullet, because you shouldn't be able to easily "Attack him, and then Dodge his flame aura".  People with Hypercoordination could still dodge it, but that might just amount to darting in and out to attack him faster than they can get burned or something?

And the lack of self-immunity is intentional. He very much doesn't want his character to be immune to fire - however, his other main power is regeneration. Which makes me think there is another Flaw that needs to be in there:

Incineration Aura (8)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Horrifying -1, Touch Only -2, Duration +2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2, Speeding Bullet +2

4 Hard dice: 64 Points

This is meant to be a fairly serious power he's pretty reluctant to use, as opposed to more of a Fantastic 4 type of thing - he activates it, asphalt starts melting under his feet, he starts burning (and his regeneration kicks in - though he will need some extra wound boxes to make sure his power doesn't kill him before he regenerates...it might just be easier to add in self-immunity to this power, and place an If/Then on his regen that he can't use it while his aura is up), and all in all stuff goes to hell.

How's that look?

I guess one of the main things I'm wondering about is if it is fair game to use Radius as "Anyone who comes within a couple feet of me/touches me" instead of a full 10 yards? (And let the player decide "I'm gonna use the full 10 yards now...let's wreck shit")? The main thing I see is usually Duration just by itself means the attach repeatedly goes off against one target, whereas here I want it to auto-hit everyone who touches him or comes close.

(Also: Man, 400 points is a lot of juice...)

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 4:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

No, but if he drops a Radius attack, it fills the radius. Without Controlled Effect, it attacks everyone in the Radius. If the center of the radius is in touch range, it is going to hit the attacker. So, he will attack himself if he uses his Touch-range Radius attack. If it is just a Touch-range attack, there's no problem. It's when you tack on Radius that you have to worry.

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 7:44 PM, Marco Subias <arkhamalum@gmail.com> wrote:
Paul, do you demand that a PC who can shoot flames from his hands (Attacks plus Burns) has to buy Immunity [flames]? This seems a bit too rules-lawerly to me. And I could easily see a Pyrokinetic who can create flames with his mind or ignite objects but who could still be burned by fire. In the latter case, would I have to buy Harm, and Immunity [flames] with and If/Then (only his own flames if they happen to shoot out their body's immediate vicinity)? Again, too picky for my tastes.    


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Paul, do you demand that a PC who can shoot flames from his hands (Attacks plus Burns) has to buy Immunity [flames]? This seems a bit too rules-lawerly to me. And I could easily see a Pyrokinetic who can create flames with his mind or ignite objects but who could still be burned by fire. In the latter case, would I have to buy Harm, and Immunity [flames] with and If/Then (only his own flames if they happen to shoot out their body's immediate vicinity)? Again, too picky for my tastes.    


On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 3:51 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

It needs a separate Attacks quality with a duration. I guess it kind of depends on how you see it. If its meant to be a deterrent to muggers you bring it down a level sothe aura doesn't murder everyone, then the flare can be used offensively when a singe doesn't effectively communicate the need to leave him the eff alone. 

Here's my take

How 'bout this heat- 6 or 7/d
Attacks 2, Touch Only -2, Duration 2, Minimum Width -1 (and/or If/Then only affects location in contact with body -1)
Attacks 2, Touch Only-2, Radius 2, "Fine Control 1", Engulf 3

So as I see it, round 1 you activate the 1st effect and it lasts for the combat. Lets say you have 5 dice. When ever you are physically attacked you roll and a set means 1SK to the location that touched you or that you touch. (This prevents an inadvertent head shot when someone grabs you by the wrist). 

You can opt to "flare up" assigning dice to attack but this will "snuff out" the power for a round if you use all 5 dice.

If you drop minimum width the power instead tries to BBQ anyone where they touch you, the same system of assigning dice to each quality applies. I don't know why you wouldn't buy the powers separately (unless you took the one power permission). 

Another take might be to give it a defends quality with an attached permanent attack power so you could lungful normally and then "explode away" serious attacks and fry everything in a radius.

Hot Jumbaliya 9/d
D2, Self
Attacks 2, Touch Only -2, Radius 2, Permanent 4, Attached to defends -1, Full Power Only-1, Engulf 3 (alternately you could go with Explosive as the extra so the firestorm wasn't as comprehensively lethal). 

-Matt Conlon

On May 31, 2013, at 12:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:

<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Also, I hope he's immune to fire, because he's just dropped a huge bomb right on his own head. The game doesn't assume automatic immunity to one's own powers, as far as I can tell. Controlled Effect would help here. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:46 PM, Paul Stefko <ham2anv@gmail.com> wrote:
Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

Yeah, it lacks any Duration extra, so it is one shot per activation. 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 6:32 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

<<And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?>>

Wouldn't he need to declare and activate it each round? 

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:
I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[ORE] While I'm consulting the list - help with more generic powers

I figure I'd do a separate thread, since this is potentially less interesting to the group than the quartet of toddlers with Tier 4 powers. ;) I'm gonna need some help for some of the power mechanics for some more mundane stuff too...

First up - damage auras/offensive armor. In this case it is flames. We're not necessarily looking for a radius effect here (though the player wants to be able to flare it to do damage in a radius, but that's probably just), but instead more of a "If you touch/attack me, you automatically get hurt".  Here's my first attempt

Wreathed in Fire (6)
  Attacks Extras and Flaws: Touch Only -2, Engulf +2, Penetration +1, Radius +2

4 Hard dice: 48 Points

Because he didn't take it with full power only or the like, I imagine that means he can dial in the Radius if he wants? Like have it be 1 yard radius one round, and then spend an action to make it go out to the full radius another? And once he activates it, it just keeps on doing 4 Shock and 4 Killing to every hit location of everything nearby?  I didn't give it Burn, because I figure once you leave the area of affect it probably doesn't keep hurting you - let's be honest, fire this intense (we're looking at slagging steel plate type heat) is going to rapidly burn off anything likely to keep burning for any length of time, and it isn't like it coats you in napalm.

Does this look about right?

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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Re: [ORE] [Progenitor] Brainstorm some powers for small children?

The children become a collective consciousness, the power causes their ego to be drowned in the primal darkness and they become terminals for mankind's greatest strengths and most terrifying aspects. Each gets a die of cosmic power with and a "gestalt" extra so they can add dice pools together. That's 4 dice, when they get super quiet and "concentrate" together they get the "extra time/focus/aim" bonus and can get up to 2 more dice each.

So now you have a children of the damned type thing, thy are ambitious, psychic, hungry, brilliant, with complete access to the "akashic record" a d are your new primary antags as they rapidly mature and try to gather all humanity into their web. 

Or something like Powerpack, don't forget the magic horse. 

-Matt Conlon

On May 31, 2013, at 1:07 AM, Wade Lahoda <wade.lahoda@gmail.com> wrote:

So, I just started running Progenitor...  Every early days of the contagion, the PCs are a group of protesters who catch the super from Johnson at a speech they're protesting. One of the player characters ends up being a mind controller, and has a baby-sitting gig - where she inadvertantly uses her powers to keep the four little brats calm.

Of course, I roll it out, and she infects all four of them with the super.

Any suggestions on powers for a bunch of Tier 4 toddlers?  We've got a baby girl, a two year old boy (which is a terror for trying to climb stuff and get into things, etc), a four year old boy, and a more sensible five year old girl. I suspect if they don't *kill* her inadvertently, between the four of them they'll also probably pretty quickly infect their mom, a young woman whose husband is an Army Lieutenant currently overseas.

I suspect having a whole family with four tier 4 kids and a tier 5 mom will have a pretty big impact on things early on...but I need powers for the kids. ;)

(I'm thinking, for the mom, who has been portrayed as very harried and desperate for relief from the stresses of looking after four young children by herself, I'll give her some kind of self-duplicating power, possibly with a "Power of No" style power where if she shouts NO loudly enough she can stop, well, anything, if she's got the points for it)

"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
-- Oscar Wilde

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[Seattle Go Center] Guo Juan Workshop Cancelled

Dear Members,


We are sad to announce that the Guo Juan Workshop has been cancelled, due to travel difficulties.  We will try to reschedule the workshop for later this year.  Meanwhile, we will refund all early payments.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

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[Seattle Go Center] Monthly Ratings and Strong Players' Tournament this Sunday June 2.

Dear Go Players,


The Monthly Ratings tournament will be at the Seattle Go Center this Sunday, with registration from 12:15 – 12:45.  The second round of the Strong Players’ Tournament will continue at the same time.  Ho Son has won all of his games so far in this round, so it will be interesting to see if he will extend his streak.  He is surely stronger than 7 dan. Ratings tournament players are free to watch the Strong Players’ games between their own games.





Brian  Allen

Manager, Seattle Go Center

Nihon Ki-in Go Institute of the West

700 NE 45th Street

Seattle WA  98105

206 545-1424 (Go Center)

206 632-1122 (Office at Home)

manager@seattlego.org (e-mail)

www.seattlego.org (website)


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Re: [ORE] Re: [Progenitor] Brainstorm some powers for small children?

Man, these are some sweet ideas thus far. :)

I'm wondering if it might not make sense to make the five yearold a hyperbrain, and am trying to decide if that means going with a freakish prodigy child who has a terrible intellect but still childish immaturity...or instead actually have them have the maturity and sense of someone decades older than them. Maybe combined with an understanding that their body chemistry can't necessarily keep up with their intellect "I am feeling extremely emotional right now - I recognize it is because I have not yet had a nap, which I require to keep an emotional equilibrium. I will need to have naptime before I can ponder this question from a balanced perspective. Ninite!"

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 1:24 PM, Charles Coleman <bigglesandginger@gmail.com> wrote:
One could have the power of MINE - an object that they desire is in their hand.

Also - apparently very young children do not understand that things (people / objects) exist outside of their vision... nothing good comes of this idea - ignore

On Fri, May 31, 2013 at 2:32 PM, Darryl Green <priority7@gmail.com> wrote:
I like the other suggestions, but I wanna make some anyway.

For the 2-year-old, intangibility or teleportation might also be appropriate for the desire to explore absolutely everything.

For the 4-year-old, you have a character that was the baby, but then had it ripped away from him twice. HyperCharm/HyperCommand for a sort of "look at me!" approach.

For the 5-year-old, I know you said she was sensible, but how many girls that age don't want to be a princess? A combination of emotional control that can only be used on men (Prince Charmings) and the ability to make everything around her prettier and more cartoon-like and you have an annoying power-set that gets even worse as she gets older. The ability to control animals, Snow White style, can be added for taste.

On Friday, May 31, 2013 6:07:49 AM UTC-5, Wade wrote:
So, I just started running Progenitor...  Every early days of the contagion, the PCs are a group of protesters who catch the super from Johnson at a speech they're protesting. One of the player characters ends up being a mind controller, and has a baby-sitting gig - where she inadvertantly uses her powers to keep the four little brats calm.

Of course, I roll it out, and she infects all four of them with the super.

Any suggestions on powers for a bunch of Tier 4 toddlers?  We've got a baby girl, a two year old boy (which is a terror for trying to climb stuff and get into things, etc), a four year old boy, and a more sensible five year old girl. I suspect if they don't *kill* her inadvertently, between the four of them they'll also probably pretty quickly infect their mom, a young woman whose husband is an Army Lieutenant currently overseas.

I suspect having a whole family with four tier 4 kids and a tier 5 mom will have a pretty big impact on things early on...but I need powers for the kids. ;)

(I'm thinking, for the mom, who has been portrayed as very harried and desperate for relief from the stresses of looking after four young children by herself, I'll give her some kind of self-duplicating power, possibly with a "Power of No" style power where if she shouts NO loudly enough she can stop, well, anything, if she's got the points for it)

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-- Oscar Wilde

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"It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."
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