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[Seattle Go Center] Ratings Tournament this Sunday; Jin Chen Tournament Jan 7

Dear Go Players,


Our Monthly Ratings Tournament is this Sunday, Dec. 3, with registration from 10 to 10:45 am.  Please make sure your AGA membership is up to date.  The tournament is free, and your visit is free if you are a youth or a voting member of the Seattle Go Center (yearly and lifetime members).  Otherwise, you need to pay for your visit to the Go Center with a punch of your ten visit card, or by putting $5 in the daily fee box.


Our biggest tournament of the year, the Jin Chen Memorial, will be on Sunday, Jan. 7, 2018, with the same registration time.  This tournament has cash prizes, and a fee of $10 for youth and voting members, and $15 for all others.  First place prize in the open section is $300.  The open section will be limited to the top 8 players who register.  There will also be cash prizes in the handicapped sections.  This tournament is also AGA rated.


More information on a tournament can be found by clicking on the listing in the calendar:








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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Pro 13x13

Greetings Go Fans-
With mobile apps such as Go Quest gaining immense popularity during the last 3 years, there are a lot of people playing 13x13 games as part of their weekly Go diet. I think we are long overdue to look at professional-level 13x13 play.  I hope to see you there!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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Re: [ORE] Re: [Wild talents] first steps

I agree that this seems easiest to do using two separate U qualities.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 12:11 PM, Shane Ivey <shane.ivey@gmail.com> wrote:
I recommend doing things without Variable Effect at first. It seems like an unnecessarily broad tool for making three versions of the same power. Try starting with the most powerful version of the power, then add a couple of flaws to reduce it under different circumstances.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:39 AM, endragor <endragor@hotmail.it> wrote:
Sorry to ask again without waiting for a reply, but else i'm going to forget.

If i want to have a power with one unique function, let's say, banish stuff, as above.

But i want to use it in slight variation.

a personal only, fast banish.

A standard ranged one target banish

A ranged AOE banish, with a flaw to balance.

Can i make it with variable effect?

But it doesent seem very effective...

The idea is to have the baseline, one target ranged banish, and two alternate mode like a "go first, self only"
And a "radius, go last"

What is the most efficient way?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[Seattle Go Center] Open tonight Wed Nov. 11

Dear Go Players,


Drew Barnett will be opening the Go Center tonight for casual play and informal lessons.  There will not be a lecture.  People back in Seattle for Thanksgiving are encouraged to drop by.  Drew may be opening earlier than usual, perhaps as early as 5 p.m.  Look for a 2nd email to confirm this.


We will also be open on Saturday, from 1 – 7 pm.   As usual, we will not be open on Friday.




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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Go Class Carnival!

Hey Go Fans-
I recognize that this week is a holiday week and our attendance might be a little whacky. But have no fear, we are having class tonight. And for tonight I have planned the extra-special-all-new-"Carnival," format. What is a "Go Class Carnival," you ask? Well, its a class where we will have ALL of the following going on:
  • Mini-lecture at the big board
  • Workshop problems
  • Game Review (and/or "Phone-a-Friend" Go)
There will something for everyone, don't miss it!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center 

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[Seattle Go Center] No "Breaking into SDK" class next week Thursday

Hi all!

FYI, there will be no "Breaking into SDK" class next week Thursday (11/23). So next class will be on 11/30 instead.

Also, since most people who have been attending my class have reached SDK, the game reviews that I have been doing are more geared towards the weak SDK audience. My goal is to get you all into the ~6-5kyu range.



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[Seattle Go Center] Another Go Teacher welcome at McDonald Go Club Thurs Afternoons

Dear Members,


We have a big Go Club at McDonald International Elementary, with 16 players.  Ben Resnick and I would welcome a third teacher to help us out.  If you came, you would mostly be playing simultaneous 13x13 games with beginners.  McDonald is about ½ mile from the Go Center, on the other side of I-5.   The address is 144 NE 54th Street, Seattle, WA 98105.  The session is from 2:30 – 4:05 on Thursdays. 


If you are interested, please contact me, and I can give the details on how to meet us.



Brian Allen



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Re: [ORE] Re: [Wild talents] first steps

I recommend doing things without Variable Effect at first. It seems like an unnecessarily broad tool for making three versions of the same power. Try starting with the most powerful version of the power, then add a couple of flaws to reduce it under different circumstances.

On Tue, Nov 14, 2017 at 3:39 AM, endragor <endragor@hotmail.it> wrote:
Sorry to ask again without waiting for a reply, but else i'm going to forget.

If i want to have a power with one unique function, let's say, banish stuff, as above.

But i want to use it in slight variation.

a personal only, fast banish.

A standard ranged one target banish

A ranged AOE banish, with a flaw to balance.

Can i make it with variable effect?

But it doesent seem very effective...

The idea is to have the baseline, one target ranged banish, and two alternate mode like a "go first, self only"
And a "radius, go last"

What is the most efficient way?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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[ORE] Re: [Wild talents] first steps

Sorry to ask again without waiting for a reply, but else i'm going to forget.

If i want to have a power with one unique function, let's say, banish stuff, as above.

But i want to use it in slight variation.

a personal only, fast banish.

A standard ranged one target banish

A ranged AOE banish, with a flaw to balance.

Can i make it with variable effect?

But it doesent seem very effective...

The idea is to have the baseline, one target ranged banish, and two alternate mode like a "go first, self only"
And a "radius, go last"

What is the most efficient way?

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[ORE] Understanding how to calculate powers


I'm trying to wrap my head around character creation as that seems to be the one facet of this rule set that is stumping me.

The first character that I'm trying to create is a heavy bruiser with regen and invuln.

I was trying regen with engulf, permanent, self only, attached (invuln), and no physical change. 4HD came out for me at 4p per dice (32)

Then I had invuln with interference, permanent, automatic. Came out to 26p per dice

I was pumping up body with a bunch of hyper dice.

For whatever reason I couldn't get the math to come out correctly for myself with the hyper dice and those two powers so far.

Any assistance in showing exactly how everything works on powers would be greatly appreciated.

I was trying to use the Excel character creator, but I'm not sure if I'm doing that correctly either. I have attached what I've created so far, any critiquing of how to properly use the excel would be appreciated.

Thank you so much.


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Re: [ORE] Help! Wild Talents: Shadowrun Drain Flaw

Well, thinking about it, Height is an entirely random part of the roll. Sometimes Width is better to reflect the "power" of an effect, or sometimes the dice pool itself can represent "power" because a large dice pool makes high rolls more likely. So you could say if the spell dice pool is larger than the shaman's Endurance dice pool and the spell roll succeeds, that's what causes damage. There are a lot of ways you could run it.

On Mon, Nov 13, 2017 at 12:16 PM, 'Cgeist7' via Cult of ORE <cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Thanks Shane,

In Shadowrun, the more powerful the spell is, the more likely potential drain damage will occur as the magician manipulates powerful energy.

This is balanced in SR as the more skilled the magician is, the more likely they will resist the drain. It is burdensome and the overhead of SR is why we're not using the system.

I like the second option as it increases possible damage based on the dice rolled (power of spell) and reduces the amount of maximum drain damage based on skill (reducing # of possible loose dice).

It also makes magic much more dangerous for the weak-willed and unskilled...

Anything else I'm missing here?

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Shane Ivey, Arc Dream Publishing
The One Roll Engine and more: www.arcdream.com
Cthulhu Mythos gaming, every quarter: TheUnspeakableOath.com
Is your world worth saving? Join the conspiracy: www.delta-green.com

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Re: [ORE] Help! Wild Talents: Shadowrun Drain Flaw

Thanks Shane,

In Shadowrun, the more powerful the spell is, the more likely potential drain damage will occur as the magician manipulates powerful energy.

This is balanced in SR as the more skilled the magician is, the more likely they will resist the drain. It is burdensome and the overhead of SR is why we're not using the system.

I like the second option as it increases possible damage based on the dice rolled (power of spell) and reduces the amount of maximum drain damage based on skill (reducing # of possible loose dice).

It also makes magic much more dangerous for the weak-willed and unskilled...

Anything else I'm missing here?

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Re: [ORE] Help! Wild Talents: Shadowrun Drain Flaw

Sounds cool. But basing it on loose dice means the better the shaman is -- the larger the dice pool -- the more often he or she takes damage. That sounds likely to frustrate the player more. And calling for a separate skill roll for every spell sounds burdensome. I don't remember Shadowrun magic well enough to make a solid recommendation, but you could ditch the Endurance roll and make it loose dice but only if the spell roll fails. Or if an awesome spell should hurt more, than maybe only if its Height is greater than the shaman's Command + Endurance dice pool or something.

On Sun, Nov 12, 2017 at 10:23 AM 'Cgeist7' via Cult of ORE <cult-of-ore@googlegroups.com> wrote:
Hi all,

I'm running a game of Shadowrun using Wild Talents and am modelling the different aspects (Magic, Cyberware, Adepts and Martix/Cyberspace) using WT miracles with required extras and flaws depending on the power type.

The players all love the setting and system, except for the Shaman, who doesn't like how magic has been converted over. A big part of the problem is how I've handled drain - feedback magicians can take when channelling magic.

Drain: The effort of manipulating mana can exhaust or even injure a magician. As mana is a form of energy, channeling greater quantities of that energy may strain the body and mind. The effect of this strain is referred to as Drain.

Here's how I modelled it in WT to begin with.

NEW FLAW: Drain (-1): Every time you use your power, you take a point of Shock damage to the torso (or whatever counts as your core hit location).

Based on feedback (the player doesn't like rolling and when magic is unsuccessful but even more, he hates taking damage each time he uses his powers), I've come up with the following work around.

I wanted to try and find a One Roll option, but couldn't figure out an elegant option.

NEW FLAW: Drain (-1): When you roll dice for a power with the drain flaw, each loose die of 6 or higher (called Flare) inflicts a point of shock damage. This damage is summed and can be resisted by a Command + Endurance roll in which each point of width reduces the damage by one. All shock damage received from drain is applied to the torso (or whatever counts as your core hit location).

I'd love any thoughts or suggestions.


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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Moyo Practice

Greetings Go Fans-

Many of you are aware that the last two months have been 'moyo' themed. Tomorrow's class will continue the theme with a series of moyo-based problems. Come test your moyo making/defending/invading knowledge!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM
Seattle Go Center

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[ORE] Help! Wild Talents: Shadowrun Drain Flaw

Hi all,

I'm running a game of Shadowrun using Wild Talents and am modelling the different aspects (Magic, Cyberware, Adepts and Martix/Cyberspace) using WT miracles with required extras and flaws depending on the power type.

The players all love the setting and system, except for the Shaman, who doesn't like how magic has been converted over. A big part of the problem is how I've handled drain - feedback magicians can take when channelling magic.

Drain: The effort of manipulating mana can exhaust or even injure a magician. As mana is a form of energy, channeling greater quantities of that energy may strain the body and mind. The effect of this strain is referred to as Drain.

Here's how I modelled it in WT to begin with.

NEW FLAW: Drain (-1): Every time you use your power, you take a point of Shock damage to the torso (or whatever counts as your core hit location).

Based on feedback (the player doesn't like rolling and when magic is unsuccessful but even more, he hates taking damage each time he uses his powers), I've come up with the following work around.

I wanted to try and find a One Roll option, but couldn't figure out an elegant option.

NEW FLAW: Drain (-1): When you roll dice for a power with the drain flaw, each loose die of 6 or higher (called Flare) inflicts a point of shock damage. This damage is summed and can be resisted by a Command + Endurance roll in which each point of width reduces the damage by one. All shock damage received from drain is applied to the torso (or whatever counts as your core hit location).

I'd love any thoughts or suggestions.


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[ORE] Re: [Wild talents] first steps

With the if/then "only for wand" i was inntending only for variable effect and also only for building wand. Using 2 if/then was looking too good.

For delayed effect i copied it form the gadgeteer power. Is it wrong or errata'ed?

Boosting the occult skill was something i was thinking about. And spray seems realy good!

Another idea i was thinking about, was using a power to go and send people in a shadow realm. The idea is thah you still percive the other realm, but could not interact in any way with the other.

The problem i have is:
Is enough to have a useful power to send stuff in the other dimension?

Or should i buy an attached power of aromr, as high as possible, to rapresent the inability to hurt target across dimension? Like 10HD of armor with if/then "only across dimension"?

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[ORE] Re: [Wild talents] first steps

As it stands, you can use the Attacks and Defends qualities for a base function as well. You can reduce the cost of the power by 2 be adding the If/Then (Only for Variable) to the Attacks and Defends qualities. Then you use the Useful to build the wand, and transfer the dice. 

Also, Delayed Effect is a -2 flaw, so if you include the Only for Variable flaw I suggested, the total cost comes to 8/d. 

Getting some Spray on your Occult Lore with the WD would be pretty rad. Dual-wielding wands and firing them off would be pretty neat.
Maybe grab some HD in the Wandcrafting ability to grant yourself some armor ratings?

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[Seattle Go Center] Fun Youth Tournament Sun Nov. 12

Dear Members,


We will have a friendly tournament for children at all levels of play, on Sunday, Nov. 12, starting at 1:00 p.m. Prizes will include books, equipment, and fun little things. There is no fee. Children choose whether they want to play on 13×13 or 19×19 boards. The 19×19 games will finish by 5 p.m., the 13×13 games may finish sooner. We will have snacks around 3 pm, including kimbap, the Korean seaweed rice rolls with meat or veggie fillings.


Some of the stronger players are coming in the morning to play more games, starting at 10:15.  We have room for one more in the morning.  Let me know if you are interested.




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Rainbow Currency Announces the START of its ICO to the open Public.

The site is very busy, refresh if it times out.

The Rainbow Currency is the exclusive digital currency for the SafeZone.  It is backed by company shares, strictly limited, and irrevocably connected to our strong SafeZone economy. Pay for products and services with maximum privacy and security.

The SafeZone is a fast-growing network of websites which is setting new privacy, security, and quality standards on the Internet.  For additional information on the SafeZone see below:

Rainbow Currency ICO will run for 9 Days – Each day the opening price increases and the number of coins available increases.  Once the daily allocation of coins has been purchased, trade closes until the start of the next business day.
Each day of the ICO the price increases by .001 ea. On November 15 the currency will open at the first exchange trading at .01 ea.


Once you buy you can refer others and make a 10 % commission.

You can also make a 10% commission on the total of your 5 generation downline

Rainbow Currency ICO starts with 300,000,000 coins at US$0.002 per coin (80% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 400,000,000 coins at US$0.003 per coin (70% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 500,000,000 coins at US$0.004 per coin (60% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 600,000,000 coins at US$0.005 per coin (50% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 700,000,000 coins at US$0.006 per coin (40% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 800,000,000 coins at US$0.007 per coin (30% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 900,000,000 coins at US$0.008 per coin (20% discount)

Rainbow Currency is offering 1,000,000,000 coins at US$0.009 per coin (10% discount)

The control over Rainbow Currency is transferred to the Rainbow Foundation, a non-profit organization.

Rainbow Currency is listed and traded at the first cryptocurrency exchange with an opening price of US$0.01 per coin.

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[Seattle Go Center] SDK Wednesday: More Bot Go

Hi folks!

Following up on two weeks ago, I will be hosting another SDK Wednesday night this week, continuing on the theme from before: bots!

As usual class will be from 7-9pm, starting with a half-hour lecture based on a game review, and then we will have some time for additional reviews, problems, and games. If you have a laptop or tablet that is able to play games online, I encourage you to bring it and hopefully we will get some time to play some games against OGS bots so we can study their ways.

Have a great week all, and hope to see you there!
-Drew Barnett

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[Seattle Go Center] DDK Monday: Phone-A-Friend Go

Greetings Go Fans-

Tonight I would like to try something special; "Phone-a-Friend Go!" In this Go variant, players will pair off to play some games. Each player will have up to three opportunities to "phone" me over to their table and discuss the current board state and their next move with them. Knowing when to use these "phone-ins" will just be part of the strategy. I think it will be fun and should prompt some good Go discussions. I hope to see you there!

Nick Sibicky 4D
Double-Digit Kyu Class
Mondays 6:30-8:30 PM 
Seattle Go Center

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[Seattle Go Center] Watch the weather and the time for Ratings Tournament

Dear Go Players,


Here’s a friendly reminder that Daylight Savings Time ends tonight.  So you get an extra hour of sleep, and the Ratings Tournament registration starts at 10 am Standard Time.


The weather is less definite.  From what is predicted presently, the Ratings Tournament will be held tomorrow, Sunday, Nov. 5.  The Go Center is at a low elevation, so we shouldn’t get much snow. If that changes, we will send out another email (assuming we have power.)  But please be careful about your local conditions, which may be worse.



Brian Allen


Brian Allen

General Manager

Seattle Go Center

www.seattlego.org  web

manager@seattlego.org email

206 545-1424 phone Go Center

206 632-1122 phone home office



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[Seattle Go Center] Halloween Contest Results

Dear Members,


We had eight competitors in the Contest of Life and Death on Halloween (for kyu players).  Frank Lam did a great job of curating problems (from the Nihon Ki-in) that were challenging to our kyu players, and that had a single correct first move.  Kyle Burg assisted ably.   Lucy Wang won the competition, with 5 out 8 problems solved on the first try, and Alex placed second.  She also had the best costume, in the opinion of the photographer.


I’ve attached the Go problems in a sgf file.  You should find three variations (nodes), each with 4 problems.  We only used the first two sets.




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[Seattle Go Center] Ratings Tournament and Lunch this Sunday Nov. 5

Dear Go Players,

Our Monthly Ratings Tournament is this Sunday, Nov. 5., with registration from 10 -10:45 am. It's time to find out if
your fall study program is making a difference!

Since this is a regular monthly tournament, with no prizes, there is no tournament fee. You do have to pay for your visit
to the Go Center, with $5 cash or a punch on your 10 visit card, if you are not a youth or voting member. Please also
make sure that your membership with the AGA (American Go Association), our national organization, is up to date.

Thanks to the AGA "Rewards Program", the AGA chapter will be treating tournament players to free lunch! It will
probably be pizza, and Nick Wilmes will be organizing the order at the end of registration. Thanks Nick!

More information on the tournament can be found on our events calendar:

Brian Allen

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